There are constantly a zillion things on my To Do List.
Some are from last week, some are from last month, and some are from last year. And not like 3 days ago last year, like actually this time last year. I know. Yikes.
The weekends seem to fly by - as they always do - as I binge watch 30 Rock and spend a clinically unhealthy amount of time on social media, eating equally as clinically unhealthy food. So when it's crunch time, which it inevitably is/will be, I've left myself exactly zero margin for error. And while it may be impossible to be totally ready for what’s ahead – especially that shrieking 5am alarm – I've unearthed a few simple tips that help me to create some calm, to organize and refocus myself, and to start tackling (and owning) my life. Not a bad idea for this brand new 2k17.
1. Map It Out
There’s no better way to tackle your To Do List than to actually make one. Sit down, figure out exactly what you’ve got going, and write it down. No fluff, no bullsh*t, just straight up: here’s what needs to be done. It may be 3 huge untouched projects or a mile-long list of mini tasks that just haven't quite been completed. Whatever it may be, write it down. There are few things more surreal than seeing your life in writing, laying in front of you. And if you’re Type A like me, you'll even be thrilled to check off the boxes as you go. There’s something so gratifying and empowering about visually completing your goals, so set yourself up to be able to do just that.
2. Share Your Plans
Accountability, accountability, accountability. There’s nothing quite like some (healthy) pressure. If you tell others of your plans, you’re more likely to execute them. Why? Because we’re all afraid of being judged. And as much I seriously cringe at the idea of succumbing to peer pressure, it can (under certain circumstances) be good for us. Share your schedule and your newly made To Do List (see above) with someone who will hold you accountable and force you to work towards accomplishing all that you’ve got going on. Whether that’s your GF, BF, BFF, mom (hi mom), or your girl gang's HBIC, make sure you’re spreading the word and letting others put some pressure on you to get your work done well and in a timely manner.
3. Create (+ Earn) Incentives
We all need a little motivation, right? And since we're not all great at endless, empowering self talk, we need to find a way to constantly propel ourselves forward. Create incentives for yourself. Tell yourself that you can buy those new sunnies only if you finish that big project, or that you can grab a drink with friends when the laundry is done, you’ve sent out those job applications and you’ve gotten that sweat sesh in. That way when you finish your To Dos, you’re rewarded with not only checking off the boxes on your list, but with things that you’ve earned. It’s more gratifying when you deserve your rewards – plus you get your dreaded tasks done in the process. We call that a win-win. And a good, fashionable night out.
4. Believe in Yourself
The biggest key to getting all your *ish* accomplished is: have some faith. Up until now, you’ve figured it out, gotten it done, and made it out (mostly) alive. This time is no different. Take a deep breath and remember that you are your most powerful tool. You may not be able to accomplish everything all at once, but start with steps. Life’s a journey, and so is your To Do List. You’re in charge of your life, so act like it. Chin up, head down, and know that you’re destined to do incredible things. I believe in you – now it’s your turn.
Make your list, share your needs, reward yourself (within reason) along the way, and know that you can do it. Because guess what? You absolutely can. Drop me a line if you need to walk off a ledge. This girl's always got your back.