For most college students and young adults, summer is no longer the vacation we made it out to be as kids. Summer is the perfect time for us to get part-time jobs and start saving up money. Some of us need it for school. Some need it to support themselves out on their own.
Whatever the reason is, we're all focused on one goal: making money. However, this can cloud all our other needs. When your bosses and managers expect a lot from you, it can be easy to forget to take care of yourself. Often times, this will result in you overworking yourself without even realizing it.
So, here are four signs you might be doing just that.
1. You're starting to feel sick without actually getting sick.
While you might not have actually caught anything, your throat is hurting when you wake up each morning and you're beginning to lose your voice.
2. You're starting to have less patience.
It becomes harder to deal with customers or whatever other daily duties you have than it normally should be. You might also find yourself becoming angry over little things that normally wouldn't bother you.
3. You're having a harder time waking up for your shifts.
While not everyone is a morning person in the first place, you'll start to notice it's getting harder than usual to wake up at the same time you do every day. This is a pretty good sign you're not sleeping enough to keep up with how much you're doing.
4. You're beginning to struggle with your mental health.
It's nearly impossible to keep depression and anxiety in check when you're not sleeping enough at night and overexerting yourself during the day.
Believe it or not, it's okay to take a break. It's even okay to schedule yourself a few days off to prevent these things from happening. No job or amount of money is worth physically and mentally exhausting yourself to the point of illness.