I have worked with some good managers since I started working the summer between my junior and senior year of high school. I have also worked with some bad ones. Sometimes it is just a bad day and sometimes it's just their personality. Here are four characteristics of a bad boss or manager:
1. It’s Never Enough
When you have a poor manager or boss, they will often say that you need to do more than what you are already doing, even though you are doing everything you can. You aren’t selling enough, you aren’t doing whatever your job is, well enough. It is never enough for them because you are not them and you cannot do everything to robot standards.
2. Can’t Leave It Alone
A bad manager will point out your mistakes or something that went wrong and then keep pointing it out. They will spend thirty minutes on something that should only take five. They will keep talking about the thing that is wrong until they are satisfied with thinking you understand, even though you understood them three minutes into their rant. They literally cannot leave it alone.
3. High Turn-Over Rate
You know the manager is something to be aware of when they go through three employees in a single year for the same position. You know something is going on when a month into being there, you hear the new person contemplating quitting.
4. It’s Mentally Draining
Every day is a chore. When the bad manager is around, the energy is just sucked right out of you. You pray they leave early or don’t come in at all. You go home tired and with a headache just from being around them.
Bad bosses are not always easy to spot. It’s easy to dismiss these signs as the other person’s fault. However, when it is more than one person, more than one instance, you have to question if they are a good or a bad manager.