As a soon-to-be college graduate with just two months left to go, I’ve been experiencing senioritis like never before. Some of my symptoms have included:
1. Waiting until five minutes before the test to study
2. Not doing homework
Since most of my classes are super easy, I haven’t had much homework, but the small amount I have had has been almost impossible to complete. My student planner, which was filled with my cramped handwriting Monday though Friday in previous semesters, is almost entirely blank; I’ve taken to committing my assignments to memory. Sometimes I remember them and make a halfhearted attempt at doing them, but most of the time I just forget.
3. Excessive Netflix
Everyone knows that Netflix and college students go together like peanut butter and jelly, but I personally haven’t been able to watch Netflix on a regular basis since freshman year, as I’ve taken twenty credits almost every semester. UNTIL NOW. The amount of time I have to watch Netflix now is incredible. It’s on a different level. In my queue currently are three or four different shows, all of which I have been watching faithfully and at a steady pace. Go me.
4. Stupid projects
Cleaning out my closet, going through my shoes, reorganizing my bookshelf, you name it—anything I can think of to occupy my time “productively,” I’ve done at least three times already this semester. I think I feel like I’ve been a contributing member of society whenever I complete one of these projects, no matter how pointless. Basically, doing stuff like this breaks up the time between Netflix and sleep.
So yeah, there it is. I honestly have never experienced such lack of motivation in my life--normally I'm a go-getter when it comes to school, but this semester I've been the definition of lazy. I hate feeling like such a deadbeat, but I just can't seem to snap out of it. The only cure will be getting a job, I guess?!