These tips are easy to try, and will definitely turn your morning around. Starting your morning right is a good way to make sure the rest of the day follows. Little things like waking up with a smile, or slowly sipping tea can really improve your day. You've got nothing to lose anyway, so try it! The morning is the most important time of day. Not only does it determine your mood, but it can also determine how the rest of your day is going to go. The problem is that many mornings are steered badly. Maybe you were rushed this morning and arrived late. Maybe you just woke up upset because of that annoying clock's (or phone's) alarm. Maybe it's because you got an upsetting email, or comment on a post. Any of these things can ruin a morning, and give you a bad day. Here are five ways to avoid a bad morning, and give it an extra bit of happiness and serenity.
1. Your Wakup Call
Try setting your alarm a half hour earlier than you typically wake up. This gives you less of a rushed morning, and the ability to have a more leisurely day, without being late. Your morning sets the pace for the rest of the day, and having a rushed, quick day puts more and more stress on you, and will eventually stress you out.
You should also check out the website sleep time, as well as the program sleep cycle alarm clock; both give recommended sleep cycles. What are sleep cycles? I'm glad you asked! According to the Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock company, "While you sleep, you go through cycles of sleep states. The first state in a sleep cycle is light sleep, followed by deep sleep and a dream state referred to as REM-sleep. A full sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes and is normally repeated several times each night...[here's how it works] Sleep Cycle alarm clock tracks your sleep patterns and wakes you up during light sleep. Waking up during light sleep feels like waking up naturally rested without an alarm clock." (Sleep Cycle Alarm, n.d.) Whether you use or sleep cycle alarm clock, you should at least try it for a few nights. You'll wake up feeling more refreshed and alert!
2. Your Alarm
One of the worst ways to wake up is to a blaring alarm. It starts your day out with anxiety and surprise, rather than happiness serenity. The way you wake up can affect your entire day. This is why your alarm should be a favorite song, light melody, or something that you like hearing. You'll wake up with a smile, instead of a grimace.
3. Skip Checking Your Phone
Most people check their phones right after waking up. Try skipping the social media and technology until after breakfast, or even until you get to work. If you skip checking it, you'll have more time to yourself, and separate from any 'toxic' people. This will help you to be more calm, and less anxious or self-conscious.
4. Drink Some Tea
So you've woken up peacefully, and given yourself a little more 'me-time.' Now it's time for some tea. Tea helps to gently wake you up, and most have antioxidants that are good for your health and mental strength. One of the other great benefits are that many teas have herbs that go towards a physical health benefit. Some even help with bloating and nausea. Making a cup of tea and drinking it every morning will help with many different aspects of your morning and day.