In all honesty, some people view hair dying as a weird taboo thing. I think that some of this has to do with the fact that when someone tells you their hair is dyed, you are always taken back by that statement and immediately ask them what color their hair is originally. While it may seem confusing for people who have never dyed their hair, I think it is incredibly important everyone dyes their hair at least once in their life.
1. It helps you explore and realize a new part of your personality.
I have dyed my hair in three different styles. In all honesty, people’s perceptions of you change based on your hair color, but this does not have to be a bad thing. The first time I dyed my hair, I was in high school, and I dyed a bright pink streak in my hair. I thought I was so cool. I learned that I have a much more playful and outgoing side to my personality than I originally thought. My freshman year of college, I bleached a part of my hair, kind of like half of a peek-a-boo. To be honest, that hairstyle was met with a lot of backlash and confusion from my peers. Through this, I learned that I am able to do my own thing without needing everyone’s approval. The final style I chose was to dye my hair a deep red/almost black. This is the style that I loved the most. It made me feel older and more mature, and I feel like more people took me seriously.
2. It adds texture to your hair.
All that damage that dying your hair does to your precious locks can actually be a great advantage to you. All of those hair tutorials you see floating around on Facebook and Twitter would be literally impossible if the model had not had her/his hair dyed at some point in her/his life. The texture that is created from this allows for infinitely more hairstyles (and less hairspray).
3. The design possibilities are endless.
Okay, so you have decided you want to try dying your hair. Now the question is, what color will you do? Do you want to go with a natural hair color, or do you want to go with an outrageous neon yellow? There really are an infinite number of colors and combinations that you could choose.
4. You become addicted.
Honestly, once you open your life to all of the possible colors (whether natural or not), you realize how much fun it is to change your hair. You start to daydream about what color you will go with next depending on the upcoming season or just because it’s Tuesday and you want a change.