I want to be Richard Castle when I grow up!
Yes, you read that right. I'm a going to be a sophomore in college next semester, and no matter how many times you ask me the maddening question of "What do you want to be when you grow up," Richard Castle will always be my answer. Why, you ask? Well, I have a million answers for that.
1. He's a famous writer
DUUUUHHH! This is probably the most obvious reason. Ever since I was little, I loved to read and write. I lived, breathed, and coughed books. "A book a day," my dad teases. I wrote practically every day from diaries, to lists of ideas and characters, to short stories, to homework assignments (which were actually my favorite, most likely because somebody would actually read it and give me credit for it-gotta love the feedback). Every English assignment was my own personal masterpiece. I don't think anybody took creative writing assignments as seriously as I did in elementary school.
However, there was only one big downside to my passion for the written word. I had nobody to aspire to be like! I basically made everything up as I went. Would a writer do this? Sure. Would a writer do that? Why not! I was my own muse, and my only mentors were the authors of the books I devoured. And then I met Castle. OHHH BOY was this character sent from heaven above! He is everything I ever hope to be- a famous (and rather charismatic) novelist living out his own stories and dwelling in the center of his inspiration. Gah, I could cry thinking about how much I want this life! Becoming a published novelist is my dream (Oh God, do I sound whiny...). I can't picture myself in any other field other than being a writer. Becoming my own form of Richard Castle is basically my goal in life, and he encourages me to keep pursuing my career.
2. He takes the cliche of "thinking outside of the box" and pumps it with steroids
"Why not?"
"Because it's so anticlimactic... I wouldn't have written it like that."
"Ariana, it's math homework."
Castle is a mystery writer, meaning he makes a living out of killing people and solving crimes at the same time (metaphorically speaking...at least half of the time). It's this reason why he's such a great asset to the 12th precinct (and to Beckett *winky face*). Castle is able to take the evidence given and think way outside of the box to come up with various outcomes and possibilities (no matter how elaborate some can get). The ideas come so easily to him because he's not just thinking about the facts, but he's adding a dose of crazy fantasies in there as well. The funny thing is, is that most of the time he's right. He's able to see the world in a different perspective, and it's that fresh idealism that gets those crimes solved. "Who would have thought of that?" "Castle did most likely."
To say I go through each problem like a badly written fanfic is an understatement. I'm overly dramatic and highly charismatic, what can I say? No matter what the situation is, I can come up with a crazy explanation for why something happened and what's going to happen next. And sometimes, just those rare occasions when my bully friend ,Kayla, isn't paying enough attention, I'm right (or at least half right). Of course, I'm not solving murder cases like Castle, but people need to understand that there can be more than one outcome to a bad situation. People need a little fantasy in their lives. Of course, saying that a team of space vampires came down and abducted me, which in turn prevented me from finishing my math homework, won't always work for my professor, but it sure gives people a good laugh. That's enough for me!
3. He has a great personality (He's a HUGE geek)
Alright, alright, I know what you're going to say: "But Ariana, you're personality is fantastic! Everyone wants to be like you! You're so cute and charming! We looovvveee you!"
But ya know, it's hard to keep up a good sense of humor when things get tough or when your life gets super busy (*cough* like when you take four writing classes and get two jobs *cough cough*). Especially as you get older (gross), keeping up a good disposition and a great sense of humor takes a whole lot of skill. That's why I love Castle so much! Although things get tough and the world gets darker, he always finds a way to make the situation humorous (or at least a little brighter). He never let's anything stomp out his humor or his smile. And it's his personality that really completes the team! Keeping up your childish (very different from immature mind you) outlook on life really helps you keep going. So, I want to be like Castle and keep up my charming personality as I get older!
4. Best. Dad. EVER.
When I grow up and create my own little terrors, I want to have a relationship with them like the one Castle has with Alexis. There's encouragement, imagination, and freedom to discover and explore!
Also, Castle's my father...
No, no, no not literally. Ugh, let me start over.
When the show first premiered, my grandmother ranted and raved to me: " You have to watch Castle! He is just like you! You wouldn't believe it! He could be your father!" Of course, I dismissed it. My grandma over exaggerates all the time. No one could be like me, I'm original! A few years later, my mom rushed up to me: " Omgsh you have to watch this show! The main character is literally you! You act more like him than Dad!" Yeah, ok Mah. Whatever you say. Then one fateful day, I watched the show, completely forgetting what my mom and my grandma had said. As I watched it, I slowly sank into the metaphorical ocean of yikes. It hit me. Oh wow. Every little thing Castle said and did, I had done and said something very similar previously. This character is like me. I'm like him. He's a writer, a huge geek, very charming and ruggedly handsome; he's super smart, and he loves his red heads. Castle and I are the same person (and don't be mistaken, my pride won't ever let me say that I'm the same as somebody else, so this is INSANE for me to confirm). Now it's a family joke that Castle is actually my father.
These are just four of my reasons why I want to be Richard Castle when I grow up, but I can promise you I can publish a whole novel of reasons (and one day I just might). This character has come to mean a lot to me as a writer myself, and I don't think I'd be half as confident without this guy in my head! If you haven't seen Castle already, I highly suggest that you do, especially if you're a writer! And if you want to get really geeky like me, here's his website! You can buy the books from the show!