4 Reasons to Read The Dresden Files
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4 Reasons to Read The Dresden Files

Consulting wizards, geeky medical examiners, and kickass female cops? What more could you want from a novel?

4 Reasons to Read The Dresden Files
Orbit Books

If you haven't guessed by now, I like to read. Even though when people ask me "What's your favorite book or series?" I still stare at them like a deer in the headlights, but after being introduced to this epic book series, I can say, without a doubt, that "The Dresden Files" by Jim Butcher is definitely my favorite. They have everything and more. Although it would take ages to properly explain each book of the currently 15-book series (with more to come from Mr. B.), I will still give you some highlights that hopefully cause you to check out the "other" wizard whose name is Harry.

Warning: Spoilers ahead for Jim Butcher's bestselling book series, "The Dresden Files." If you have read these books before and want to enjoy the article, scroll on. If you haven't cracked open one of these marvelous narratives, stop reading and go to your local bookstore right away to pick up "Storm Front," book one of this excellent story-line.

These are the four best things about "The Dresden Files," and the aspects of the series that makes them an absolute favorite that you can read again and again.

1. The stellar crew of characters

Characters make a story, and this one is no different. The people who make up this tale are so deep, so flawed and so absolutely complex that if they were real people, you would enjoy just sitting down and talking with them in a coffee shop. Primarily, the main character, Harry Dresden, fits those notions. He is a smart-aleck, witty and overall completely badass manifestation of magical properties and "Star Wars" references. The rest of the crew are just as amazing, but you have to read the books to find out just how awesome they really are.

2. The actual writing

Did I mention that the main character is a sassy nerd? Well, Jim Butcher's writing is so splendid that you will lose yourself after the first page. With page-turners like this, you will wonder just where on earth the last six hours of your life went. These books will have you laughing, crying and most likely throwing the book across your room, especially once you get to "Changes." But that's all I'm saying here. Some of the one-liners in this book are as follows, and you can decide for yourself just how epic these characters really are.

"The building was on fire, and it wasn't my fault." - Blood Rites

"Chicago has a bitchin' morgue." - Dead Beat

"Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. But set a man on fire, and he's warm for the rest of his life. Tao of Pratchett. I live by it." - Cold Days

3. The heart-stopping and jaw-dropping moments in each book

Every book you read has plot twists, but not every book has a plot twist the size of a reanimated T-Rex or the robbery of the King of the Underworld's most heavily guarded safe. That's why you need to read these books, as each and every one is jam-packed with so much action that you will think you are watching a "James Bond" flick instead of reading a novel

4. All of the little things combined

Dresden's lab, his pets, the snide comments here and there - they are all aspects of the story that you pick up on as you read the books. Some are more obvious than others, but this world is so huge and so difficult that it makes it seem like you've actual been transported to Chicago to assist this consulting wizard on one of his dangerous, often nearly lethal, cases. These books, as you'll notice when reading, are basically a cross of "Sherlock Holmes," "Lovecraft" and about a dozen other things. You will face so much interconnections of text that you'll be wondering about something mentioned five books ago. And then you will have to reread them all over again just to pick up on even more subtle details.

Well done, Jim Butcher, for taking over half of my life. Seriously though, if you are looking for a long series to wind down with this summer, check out "The Dresden Files." You are sure to enjoy them. I know I do.

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