There was never a day before I came to A&M for college that I lived in a home without at least two dogs - well, there was a brief period when we moved to my grandparents' house when I was young, but it didn't last very long. Living without them these past two years at school has been difficult in a way that I didn't expect, but there are a few reasons why I don't adopt one: I genuinely do not have the time in my schedule for one, unless I were willing to leave him/her alone in my apartment from about 9 to 5 every day (and I'm not); on the same note, I live in an apartment and there just isn't enough space for what I would need for a dog; and to finish, getting a dog would feel like a betrayal to my Luna back home - she is the love of my life and I don't know that I could bear bringing another dog home and seeing her sad face.
That being said, I look forward to the day that I have enough time and space for a dog or two, and, if my work day is longer than optimal, enough money to be able to put them in doggy daycare to play with the other dogs whose parents are otherwise preoccupied. I never want them to be lonely and bored when I'm not around to care for them, and I never want to crate them for more than a few hours at a time, as studies have shown it can cause depression and anxiety in dogs to be kenneled for that long. In the meantime, I'll keep sitting here thinking of the all the reasons it is an amazing idea to get a dog, provided you have the ability to care for them, and I'm sharing them here.
1. Their unconditional love
The thing about dogs is that they will love you for their whole life. They will look at you with such adoration you can sometimes barely stand it, and they make you wonder what you did to deserve such love, and what you can do to keep earning it. Dogs make us better as people, even though they expect nothing of us except for food, shelter, and a little bit of loving in return.
2. They are excellent emotional support
Whatever you're going through, whatever is the matter, they will be there to make you feel better, simply because they love you so much. They are just as attuned to emotions as humans, probably more so than most, and when you're upset, they notice. Sometimes all you need is for them to sit next to you and let you pet them for awhile. Plus, their fur is excellent at absorbing tears.
3. You will never be lonely with them around
Maybe you're alone, but you won't be lonely if you have dogs around. They're another presence, perhaps a quieter one than another person, but maybe even better for it.
4. You could be saving a life
Almost every dog I've had has been rescued in one way or another, whether they came to us, we went to them, or a friend's dog had puppies and we simply couldn't resist. There are a lot of dogs that need loving homes and they might not find someone on their own; sometimes you have to go looking, and if you do, it'll probably be the best decision of your life.