Whether it’s because it’s an 8 a.m. class on a Monday or a late night class on Friday or even just a normal class, we’ve all contemplated skipping class. However, here are four reasons why you should not skip class:
1. You’re paying to be there
You’re literally paying thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars a year to attend that class. Whether you’re paying it out of your bank account, your parent’s bank account, loans, financial aid, or a combination of the prior, you’re paying to be there. You aren’t paying to sleep in that extra two hours or to watch that extra three episodes of Greys Anatomy (although, McDreamy makes it considerable, I get that).
2. You’re there for an education
Most likely, the goal of you going to college is to eventually get a job or some sort of career. While, yes, by attending college you’re one step closer to getting that job, not showing up puts you one step behind. You have to actually had learned something in college to be able to make it in ‘the real world’. So, again, those Greys Anatomy episodes may sound intriguing, but think about having a career later on and getting your own McDreamy!
3. Those who show up often have better connections with the professor
Yes, some classes attendance is not mandatory, often, professors look highly upon the student who continuously show up. While, that may not sound all that great, I assure you, it is. Let’s say you get the flu, you cannot attend class, if you email the professor and they remember you from attending class they may be more lenient to not penalizing you for missing (if attendance is mandatory) and may even send you the slides from the lecture that day! Furthermore, it also helps to have connections with professors later on. You’re guaranteed to take classes for your major, and your professor may just have some awesome connections out there. So when you’re applying for a job and mention you went to UCSC, the hirer may connect you to their friend (the professor) and ask them about you. This can be extremely helpful if the professor has positive things to say. However, if you ditched class every time class met, they often won’t have anything to say except that exactly.
4. Making friends
This one seems a little more trivial than the prior three, however it is just as important. Going to class ensures you can always know who to ask for help studying for the midterm or when you just don’t understand Piaget’s Stages of Development. If you’re taking classes for your major, there is a high likelihood that you’ll be in more than one class with these students over the years, so you’ll get to become closer to them. I mean, who doesn’t like expanding their circle of friends?!
I know pressing snooze on the alarm and going back to sleep instead of going to your 8 a.m. is tempting, but I assure you it isn’t worth it.