In a world of high speed, fast paced living, full of late nights and early mornings, we often get so caught up in the hype of everything around us we forget to live in the world around us. We are famous as a society for feeling proud when we stay up until 2:45 in the morning finishing a project for work, and then being up at six in the morning for another round of classes, meetings or other things. Sometimes when we feel we can be more efficient, or do something faster, it may in fact be wiser to slow down instead. Give yourself permission to take a breather. A walk in the evening is a wonderful way to slow yourself down, and here are four reasons why.
1. It can help slow you down
Just even taking a fifteen minute walk around the block can help you settle your mind during a highly stressful or even an average day. Stop and get a coffee or bite to eat, or even just enjoy the view. It can be an easy way to center yourself before diving back into the fur ball that is our day to day lives.
2. Give you a way to be outside in nature
Taking that evening walk lets you get out of the house or office for awhile which could be great for your health. Enjoying the wind through the trees, maybe a slowly setting sun or an animal wandering by may do wonders for you besides just being pleasant to watch and feel. A daily walk can also serve as good exercise when done regularly. This takes care of two birds with one stone.
3. Slowing down brings new ideas
More times than I can count when I'm taking a walk, my mind begins to wander and daydream. And in this process of letting your mind run free, you would be amazed at what you can come up with. I often think of my daily life, coming up with solutions and new creative ideas in the process. And by the time I return home, I have new plans and projects I want to carry out and work on.
4. Share your walk with friends and family
If you're going to take a walk, why not share it with someone special? Ask if someone you know wants to go out for a quick walk around the block or down the road. You might go out to grab a bite to eat, visit neighbors to chat or some other activity of your choosing. But walking can be made into a great adventure very quickly and why not enjoy it with someone else?
While our world continues to get faster and faster with every passing day, hour, minute and second, it could pay dividends to just take a moment and withdraw from the chaos. Doing this could help your health and contribute to more creativity, better working being done, and overall happiness. Being outdoors with nature can greatly benefit you, especially after your day comes to a close and you have time to be with your thoughts. And maybe, share that enjoyment and creativity with someone else who will join you. So go on, leave the computer and go outside, you might just enjoy it.