As soon as the flowers bloom in Spring, I come alive. My mood brightens considerably and I (gasp!) want to actually be around people! Winter blues are gone!
My excitement lasts for exactly two days before I'm bombarded with reminders that spring is, indeed, an inferior season. Read on and join me in spring hate.
1. Bugs
I think we can all agree that bugs are annoying (except maybe the entomologists reading this). They fly into our faces, ruin our food, and cause us to have nightmares about them crawling around our bed at night.
Oh, just me? Never mind.
Winter is a nice break from them but when the flowers spring from the ground, the bugs come up with them. The first ant encounter of every year is the most traumatic event of the year for me. Bugs outside? That's fine, no worries. Bugs inside my house that was built on the ground that bugs inhabited before me? Unreasonable.
2. Allergies
As a seasonal allergy sufferer, spring is a challenging time. High pollen counts ensure that all of my extra money is going toward antihistamines and pocket tissue.
Do you know how expensive effective allergy medicines are? I'm tempted to forego it but walking into class with a leaky nose and swollen red eyes doesn't make a a good learning environment.
I just want to know why my body feels the need to BETRAY me every April and turn my face into a broken dam.
3. Mornings are Cold, Afternoons are Hot
You walk to class in the morning wearing a winter coat then by 1 p.m. you're a puddle of melted college student.
Spring is notorious for its huge weather swings throughout the day. It's super difficult to figure out what to wear in spring (although every year someone shouts "Layers!" at me).
Although, I will concede that feeling the air warm up as I go about my day is so nice (until it reaches 85 degrees and I'm mad again cause heat).
4. There's No "Spring Beverage"
Perhaps the most important reason of all: where's the uniquely spring drink that I deserve?! Summer has lemonade, autumn has pumpkin spice everything, and winter has hot chocolate. If there's a spring drink, I need to become aware of it immediately so I can take a picture of me sipping it and make an Instagram post that I delete after five minutes because I think my hair looked weird that day.
Spring isn't a completely terrible time. It's the season of my birthday, the end of the school year, and shocking TV show season finales. So if spring could just fix the four horrible, awful, inexcusable things that I mentioned then maybe we could get along.