Many people may believe that the biggest rivalry lies between the blondes and the brunettes. When asking a girl who she envies, she will likely choose a resemblance of a blonde haired blue eyed Barbie doll, or she will go in the completely different direction and state that her idol is an olive skinned brunette. Many people overlook a very important player in this argument though: The red-headed girl. Yes, although often overlooked, red-headed girls are truly unique beings, (whether natural or, yes, even dyed like myself), who has every right to not only their day in the sun, but also complete world domination for the qualities that make them stick out in a sea of the brunettes and blondes.
1. Red-Headed girls are brave:
There is no denying that a girl willing to walk around with hair similar in color to that of a fire truck can only be described as one thing: brave. Both the girls who were born into this life, and the girls who made the brave decision to go red walk around fearlessly knowing that they are different. They continue embracing these differences in all of their glory.
2. Red-Headed girls are unique:
Natural red-heads are (unfortunately) extremely rare, totaling a mere 2% of women in the United States. Although those of us who are unnaturally red try to make up for this statistic, it is still uncommon to see a red-head starring in a movie or commercial, or being on the cover of a popular magazine.
3. Red-Headed girls are strong:
Sticking out in the crowd can often lead to extremely positive or negative reactions from people. It is common that people either are a fan, or are a naysayer of those with red hair as there is not much middle ground. Red-headed girls everywhere exhibit extreme strength and poise as they stand with their red-headed heads held high as they show the strength of being comfortable in their own skin
4. Red Headed Girls are beautiful:
Although they may not be what many people think of when they hear the word beauty, an undeniable fact is that red heads are extremely beautiful in their own red-headed way. Through their uniqueness, strength, and bravery red-heads show the world not only their outer beauty, but their inner as well.
So next time the epic battle between the blondes and brunettes is brought up do something shocking; pick the red head. Although they are not the "popular" choice, the qualities required to be able to become this rare breed of a red-headed girl deserves all of the recognition in the world, and yes we even world domination.