Being flighty is often associated with irresponsibility. Flighty people are understood to be undependable and unpredictable. In fact, they rarely know what they’re doing themselves! Still, I wanted to break that stereotype a little bit. While flightiness is not valued in every situation, it can prove desirable in more circumstances than you may think. Here is why I believe it’s acceptable to be a flighty person.
1. Flighty people see everything with a heightened sense of curiosity.
Being flighty doesn’t mean being unaware. Rather, flighty people notice more than the average person; they just jump from topic to topic – from stimuli to stimuli – much quicker. When more sensible people see the world, they may overlook small, interesting details. A flighty person may stop at the first sign of a blade of grass twitching or try to listen in to parts of a phone conversation. Trust me; they will be fascinated by every insect, shoelace, and coin sitting on the sidewalk, and they will enjoy every second of a leisurely walk around town.
2. They are spontaneous.
As Patrick once told Spongebob, “You can't always expect my usual brand of stupidity.” Now, “flighty” isn’t synonymous with stupid, but it’s true that you will have no idea what to expect from flighty people. One minute they may decide that they will cook a five-course meal, elbow-deep in flour, and the next they may be outside your door, waiting to pick you up for takeout. Or, they could see an advertisement for a new piece of workout equipment and choose to order it on a whim, despite indifferent reviews. You really won’t know what they will do next, but they will appreciate your patience just as you will appreciate all of the surprising adventures.
3. They are reliably unique.
Even though they are unpredictable, it can be assumed that flighty people are not your run-of-the-mill citizens. They probably tire from desk jobs, can’t stay in the same spot without wiggling, and always see a different perspective on things. Flighty people are interesting in their own right and are cherished like precious jewels. They never seem to conform, and they’re usually okay with that. They’re a rare breed, which makes them even more valuable.
4. They don’t bore easily.
Actually, flighty people have this strange ability to become absorbed by seemingly insignificant objects. Have you ever known someone to entertain themselves with nothing but a paperclip for a few hours? Most likely, that person can be considered flighty. Their attention spans are short, but they can get lost in their thoughts, finding every curve of a paperclip mesmerizing and every thought they have engrossing. This is great news in a world seized by a boredom epidemic. Flighty people need not depend on technology to amuse themselves. If you’re lucky, a portion of their imagination will rub off on you, and the world will never be the same again.