4 Reasons to Dance in the Rain
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."
Why not make the best of it? Whether it's literally raining raindrops outside or life is just raining down on you, let's learn to embrace it.
1. It literally feels AMAZING.
Seriously. I mean, it's like a super intense, free shower... washing your yesterdays away. It's like that overwhelming feeling you get when you step into the ocean, or onto a roller coaster. You don't know what really lies ahead but you know it's going to feel great!
2. It's like a movie scene except better.
Everyone's seen the "Notebook," right? Or maybe even "Spiderman?" (Yes -- the Tobey Maguire version). Almost all the greatest movies have the rain scene. Whether it's super dramatic or super romantic, who doesn't want to try to re-live those infamous Hollywood moments?
3. It improves your mood... seriously!
Recently, there's been a significant amount of research showing that simply being outside in nature reduces your stress hormones. And being in college, you will desperately want to try anything and everything to reduce that stress!
4. It's an awesome time to relive your childhood.
OK, so I'm going to be honest and say that although I'm 19 years old, I absolutely love every chance I get to experience my easy breezy glory days as a little girl. And I can guarantee I'm not the only young or older adult that feels that way. So take this chance as an excuse to step back into your childhood and just be free!