Coffee is easily the love of my life. It also gives me life and provides motivation for me to continue on in life. It is wonderful and without it I am sure that I would quite literally die. It is honestly the most important thing in my life for these reasons...
1. Energy
Coffee is the life giver to all college students, especially myself. I would not be able to move in the mornings without an entire pot of coffee. I crave that caffeinated boost to get me rolling. Without it, I might as well be a zombie.
2. Tastes like Heaven
There is nothing better than the smooth taste of a hot cup of Joe on a cold, Fall morning. With the sun shining through the changing leaves, a crisp breeze blowing the leaves through the air, while I puff on my morning cigarette; it is one of my favorite things in the entire world, and brings a lot of peace of mind to me. It is the one time of day that I can just forget about everything and relax before the day begins. That is why it tastes like Heaven to me because it brings me peace and relaxation.
3. Superpowers
With that peace and relaxation comes the extra kick of caffeine which, quite literally, give me super powers. It adds this sense that I can actually do anything that I set my mind to, and then the effects wear off and lethargy creeps back in, thus returning me to my old lazy self. Then, I drink another cup, and the cycle repeats.
4. Better than people
Coffee is honestly better than people. It is never late and is always there when you need it. It is your shoulder to cry on and your support system. It is always willing to listen and never judges you. It is always down for whatever and wants to make sure everyone has a good time. Coffee is my best friend.
Now, looking back on this, it may all seem like a bunch of senseless rambling. That is what my brain is like without coffee. To make sure that my article was effective, I wrote it without drinking coffee, then drank a cup to write this closing paragraph. If it all still does not make sense to you, it is just because I am crazy. Moral of the story: coffee is important to the normal functions of the brain.