Social media is an inevitable part of life in the millennial generation. Everyone has their favorite site and loves to update it. It can be a great way to stay in touch with friends and be creative. But the constant influx of images and information can get to be stressful at times. Sometimes we need to disconnect from our online realities and focus on what is happening in front of us, in the moment. So, this holiday season, get in contact with your inner self and take a break from the updates. Here are some reasons to give it a shot, even for a little while!
Focus on what really matters. It’s holiday season again, which means it’s a perfect time to take a break from the virtual world of online interaction and really engage with the people around you. Focus on your relationships with family, friends, and other loved ones. This is a time to enjoy each other’s company and strengthen bonds in real life. Think about planning a game night or fun outing of some sort.
Live in the moment, not for the photo angle. Don’t get me wrong; Instagram and Snapchat are good and fun for so many reasons. But it can be exhausting to constantly update all your followers on your activities and whereabouts at all moments.
You’ll have more time. Think of all the time you could save not scrolling through various feeds and trying to stay updated on everything your friends are up to. Instead, think of some small things you’ve always wanted to try, but never had the time. Maybe write a poem, make a collage, or start a coloring book. It can be nice to just let your mind relax and find a creative outlet for a change.
Take some time for yourself. It can be exhausting to focus on how others perceive you through social media. Taking a break from posting updates can be refreshing and help you to focus on your own experiences as they happen.