With so much negativity in the world right now, everyone is so in need of some positivity. This holiday season, be that positivity in the lives of your friends, family, neighbors, and even strangers. Life is too short to be stuck in a bad mood, and it is impossible to be a sour puss if you are putting a smile on someone else’s face. Random acts of kindness have been taking over the Internet in the past few years, so if you want to join the kindness revolution, here are few easy ways to start. And what better timing than the holidays!
1. Keep goody bags filled with non-perishables in your car.
This is an amazing way to help someone in need around the holidays and year round. Keep granola bars, water bottles, and trail mix in baggies handy for any homeless person you see on the street. You could even throw in a toothbrush and paste or some deodorant. This is an easy and cheap way to brighten someone’s day.
2. Set Up A Compliment Booth
We’ve all seen the “Free Hug” signs and they are great, but if you want to make someone feel really special, compliments are the way to go. Whether you set up a booth at your school/work or compliment your barista at Starbucks, this is a surefire way to put on a smile on someone’s face. And don’t just stick with surface level compliments. Compliment their spirit or their passion. Anyone can compliment the way someone looks, but what really matters is who they are inside (so cheesy, but true)!
3. Ask your friends and family to donate to charity instead of giving you gifts.
Gifts are great and all, but donations to a reputable charity mean so much more. Maybe don’t go out of your way to ask people to put their money into something they do not know much about. But if they ask what you want, tell them about your favorite charity and how much it would mean to you if they supported them.
4. Mail your relatives and friends letters.
Letters are not dead! Send a heartfelt letter to your family and friends telling them just how much you value having them in your life. I guarantee you this make your older relatives whole holiday season amazing. Sometimes words can mean more than a store bought gift ever could. Step it up a notch by sending it when gifts aren’t even expected. Maybe send it before Thanksgiving to tell them how thankful you are for them.
The key to any good random act of kindness is the unexpected nature of it. So go out and do something good for someone who isn’t expecting it. Or simply go out and smile at everyone one you pass. Talk to someone you would not normally go out of your way to talk to. Embrace the holiday season for all it’s worth. This is greatest time of year, after all.
Happy Holidays!