Americans have many privileges and opportunities, but this is not the same for a lot of countries around the world. We think that just because we have everything in the world, everything is fine, however, that is not true. People are dying, getting sick, and some do not even have any food to eat. While we may not have everything we could possibly imagine, it is time to help those people who are in need and do not even have a parcel of what we have. Here's a list of four countries only you can make a difference in:
1. Uganda
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GDP Per Capita: $1,317 (as of 2011)
Uganda, being one of the poorest countries in the world, definitely has a lot of improvement that is much needed in the country. 37.7 percent of the country/population lives on less than $1.25 a day. In comparison to America, where everyone is at least given a minimum wage of seven dollars an hour, this is a huge decline. When you imagine how much even the little necessities cost a day, this is hardly any money to even buy you water, which is the most important thing that is required to live. Although the country of Uganda has made some progress on their poverty problem, they still need your help. An organization called Reignite Uganda has joined forces to provide three things that will empower and equip people in Uganda; travel opportunities, resourcing leaders and hiring local youth ministers. This organization has big dreams for the Church in Uganda, and even though Catholics in Uganda contribute generously, parishes in Uganda have a very low profit. Only you can make a difference and support the young Church in Uganda! Contribute here.
2. South Sudan
GDP Per Capita: $730.58 (as of 2015)
South Sudan is also one of the poorest countries in the world and their entire country is at stake because of civil war, poverty, and climate shock. 5.8 million kids are being jeopardized by hunger, disease, trafficking, and loss of schooling. Along with this, about 100,000 people in South Sudan are facing starvation and famine problems. A heartwarming organization called UNICEF is willing to help South Sudan recover from its problems and aid the South Sudanese children who are desperately in need of help. 90 percent of every dollar spent goes directly to assist children, so contribute here.
3. Haiti
GDP Per Capita: $838.21 (as of 2015)
Haiti was a country with many hopes and aspirations, however, the world had something else coming for them. A devastating earthquake struck Haiti in the year of 2010, about 10 miles southwest of the capital, which killed 300,000 people and left 2.3 million people homeless. Furthermore, almost no one in the country had clean food or water at this point in time. The damage was too much to handle, and millions of lives were impacted by this horrid incident. This was one of the biggest natural disasters on Earth and it only brought harm to the country of Haiti, not happiness. However, many organizations had taken a stand and helped Haiti recuperate from its destruction. Donate to the International Resource Committee (IRC) today to make sure all disasters in the future can be solved very quickly and proficiently, just as it was for Haiti.
4. Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
GDP Per Capita: $456.05 (as of 2015)
The DRC may be Africa's second largest country, but it definitely is not the second richest country anywhere in the world. From the year of 1998 to 2002, the Democratic Republic of the Congo was at the center of Africa's "World War" and this resulted in 5.4 million people dying from hunger, disease, and violence. As well as being one of the poorest countries in the world, it is also underdeveloped, which contributes to people in the country not being able to get good healthcare to treat themselves with and many sanitary issues. Action Against Hunger, an organization that has led the global fight against hunger, has helped the Democratic Republic of the Congo so much by providing them with food, clean water and freedom. This has created a life-saving impact which you can be a part of! Contribute here.