Sometimes writers have a hard time trying to come up with topics to write about. We begin to write, but what we write just doesn't work like it does in our heads and we wind up erasing everything. When one experiences writer's block, all their thoughts and great ideas come to a violent stop. The kind of violent stop one experiences when they're in a car and someone slams on the brakes. If you are someone who loves to write — maybe you're an English major aspiring to be the next J.K. Rowling or you want to pursue journalism and get involved in the worldly action — then you cannot understand why this is happening to you because writing is something that usually comes naturally to you. Well, that is me too, and I am here to introduce the five stages of writer's block. I thought the best way to illustrate these stages are with our good friends from "Inside Out."
1. Anger.
When you suddenly hit this road block that just appears out of thin air, you begin to feel very, very angry. Because we tend to be hot-headed folks, we need time to, you know, vent about it. Don't worry, though, it doesn't last very long. But, who can blame us for doing so? I mean, writing is supposed to be our thing, and some of us are even hired for our writing abilities. So that means we shouldn't run into any problems, right? Wrong. You're mad because every time you type something you end up pressing down on the backspace key and erasing everything. Those three to five words could've taken you a good ten minutes to write, too. You continuously begin and re-begin, which is not even a beginning because you still have no idea what you are going to write about.
2. Sadness.
You begin to rethink all of the talents and skills you supposedly have, and this does not just include your writing talents. Every talent. Let's just face the facts: we're worthless and in way over our heads here. Why do we even try anything? Crying helps a lot in these instances. In the words of Sadness: "Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life's problems."
3. Disgust.
When we are just about done crying about it, we experience disgust. Disgust for ourselves and for writer's block. Writer's block is just ew! Why does writer's block even exist? It's our worst nightmare.
4. Fear.
One of my biggest fears I had during the school semester was hitting writer's block. It only takes a little push to make it past this block, but when it happens my whole demeanor changes! All writers have deadlines. If we are on a deadline to finish writing, panic and fear start to sink in, because we fear that we won't be able to finish on time. Panic starts to voice his opinion: What if I don't finish this on time? I don't turn in late work. I can't turn this in late! A million and one thoughts begin to flood your brain. When you think these thoughts, they do everything besides make the situation better.
5. Joy.
However, when you do push through the menacing wall of writer's block, a weight is finally lifted from your shoulders and you are able to relax again. Go ahead, take a moment to breathe. I just did after finishing this article, because I no longer need to worry about what it took just to write this article. Together, Anger, Sadness, Disgust, Fear and Joy can help us conquer life's toughest moments.