I will admit it...I've become a frequent Starbucks customer and study there too often. To be fair, there's free wi-fi, electric outlets hiding in the tables, the smell of coffee and productivity, and literally one on every other block. Everyone has been to a Starbucks, even if they don't like coffee, and if you actually stay there, there are four people who are guaranteed to be there.
1) The business professional
They're rocking business professor suit or skirt with a briefcase and usually a laptop. Mostly found with a partner and discussing the marketing sales of the last quarter. They make your online math homework seem silly.
2) The serious studier
Their venti drink is already empty by the time you get there. They're been zoned in on their work and there distractive phone is nowhere in site (brownie points, my friend). You almost wonder how they are getting so much done with all the noises, music, and people to pay attention to.
3) The reunion
Whether they're 12, 25, or 56, the reunion is two or more people sitting and just chatting. Their only productivity to accomplish is catching up. You often find yourself jealous of them, and eavesdropping on how their mutual friend Sarah is doing.
4) The high schoolers that had their moms drop them off
Solid move moms of the city! You watch them out of the corner of your eyes taking group selfies with their cups of "coffee" and spend more time picking a filter than doing the homework on their school laptops. Keep in mind though, they fought for a table with an outlet just to keep those laptops full of battery while running around and dancing.