Somewhere along the way you made the decision to leave the 631 or the 516 for college and if you're anything like me, you were 100 percent sure you were making a great choice. At least until you had your first bagel from your new home and were instantly homesick. So here are four meals I'm sure any college student from Long Island will say they always scarf down as soon as they're back home sweet home:
1. Pizza
Whether it be a cold cheese slice from Little Vincent's, a buffalo chicken slice from Del Fiore's, or just classic cheese from your local pizza place, you just can't get that slice out of your mind the whole way home from school. You can bet your bottom dollar that I'm ordering a pie for dinner as soon as I get home! Yes, we call them pies.
2. Bagels
My friends at school make fun of me for refusing to eat the bagels from our dining hall (even for brunch), but are you really from Long Island if you're not a bagel snob? After a night of pizza, my go-to breakfast for my first morning home is lox and cream cheese on a plain bagel it's the closest thing I can have to sushi for breakfast! If I'm lucky, it'll even be nice enough for us to take a trip out to the beach and enjoy my first full day of freedom together. Bae goals, am I right?
3. Ralph's Italian Ice
I recently got into an argument with somebody because they thought sorbet and Italian ices were the same things. I'm pretty sure if that certain somebody wasn't my boyfriend (who gives great back massages), they wouldn't be in my life anymore — nobody needs that kind of negativity. Maybe you treated yo'self to a scoop at your local Italian restaurant after picking up a pie, but every Long Islander knows that Ralph's is the way to go when you're in need of a quick icy refreshment.
4. A Homemade Meal
Because no matter how much you miss the island's grade A pizza, bagels, and ices, nothing lives up to Mom's cooking.