Have you ever sang something, like really belted it out, only to discover the lyrics were something along the lines of, "I am the eggman/They are the eggmen/I am the walrus/Goo goo g' joob"? I have. It's a sad realization when you think the words are one thing, but really, they're another. Anyways, here are four songs that have lyrics that, well, just make no sense.
1. Katy Perry is an excellent musician. She has a wonderful voice and she utilizes it very well, which is why I am so surprised by the opening line to "Firework" being, "Do you ever feel like a plastic bag"? Maybe I'm just lucky, but never in my life have I asked someone how they're feeling to hear their response be; "like a plastic bag." I'm lucky because if I were put in a situation like that, I wouldn't know how to respond to that. I really don't.
2. In, "Happy", by Pharrell, he encourages listeners to clap if they agree with the message, which is a nice idea to help combat depression because one song is going to do it, so in order to raise our spirits, he says, "Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof." I really wish I could ask my kitchen how it feels by this line. Maybe Kitchen enjoys having a roof over it's head. It's entirely possible he'd rather raise the roof, I guess. Maybe Pharrell is secretly a den. The world may never know.
3. Throw it back to "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga. This song was one of the most popular songs of 2009 and nobody questioned the prowess of our mother Monster, but at one point in this song, she says, "Cause I'm bluffin' with my muffin/I'm not lying/I'm just stunnin' with my love-glue-gunning." I'm sure her love-glue-gun is awfully stunning, but what does that have to do with playing cards? And why is her muffin a facade? Confused.
4. What about "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen? This was a pretty popular song in 2012 and if you didn't know the lyrics to this, you were weird. Four times in this song, Carly says, "Before you came into my life/I missed you so bad." What? But how could you miss someone before you even met them? Were you Facebook-stalking them? So you liked them before you even met them? Why mention this dark hour four times? You're not proud of this. Why did you do it, Carly? Why?
Based on these successful musicians and songs and the current political landscape, the message I can take from this is that it doesn't matter what you say. What matters is that it's catchy. Thanks for reading!