It was a normal Friday afternoon as I left my class and headed for the stairwell. After checking my phone, I noticed a Snapchat from my friend. I took a funny picture and was typing a caption when my feet were swept out from under me. Suddenly, I was lying on the next landing, attempting to pick myself off of the ground, and causing a traffic jam in the stairwell. As soon as I got on my feet, I felt a sharp pain in my right ankle and limped down the last flight of stairs in an effort to get away from the concerned bystanders. Through that horrible and terribly mortifying event, I learned a few valuable life lessons.
1. Pay attention to your surroundings.
Looking up every once and a while allows you to see the world in a new light. Pay attention to where you are going and what is happening around you. Look at the scenery. Discover a new perspective. Even if you have taken the same route multiple times, you will uncover new discoveries every time you encounter it. Maybe you’ll notice that there is an extra step on those stairs that you never paid attention to.
2. Take a break from social media every so often.
Nowadays, our eyes are always glued to some form of media. Social media, in particular, takes us away from the world around us. Instead of being present with the people next to us, we are sucked into a world of virtual reality. It is important to take a break from all of this. Redirecting your attention to those around you endorses better relationships with those close to you. Being present in the world allows you to make the most of your time. Maybe if you don’t text while walking, you will be less in danger of injuring yourself.
3. Put one foot in front of the other.
Small steps eventually lead to big strides. It may seem difficult to start but take your time. Slow and steady wins the race. Even if you have to limp along, you will get where you need to go. Any technicalities cannot stop you. There may be some stumbles along the way but in the end you will be better because of them.
4. Revel in every moment of your day.
Life moves fast. Make sure that you take time to pay attention to every moment. Every little second counts. Some things may seem like insignificant moments in your life, such as walking down stairs; but, every instant is a moment in your incredible life. Don’t take anything for granted.
Although my pride and my ankle were bruised in the journey, my flight down the stairs gave me new perspective on my life. Sometimes you fall and have to get back up. Other times, you need the help of some ice and an ACE bandage to get you back on your feet. But, no matter your struggles, you will survive and will conquer that staircase another day.