I am obsessed with conspiracy theories. Even though a lot of them do not hold much water at all, it is still so much fun to read through them and think about their validity! Here are some of my favorites. I won't be explaining them in full because of space and time, but that might mean there will be more posts about this. 😀Side note: none of these conspiracy theories are meant to make fun of those who died or the situations, I am just wanting to talk about some conspiracy theories that are out there.
1. Paul is dead.
Here me out, we all love the Beatles, but here is a conspiracy theory that really messed with my head. It is fairly believable with a lot of evidence backing it. The theory's biggest evidence is the album cover to their Abbey Road album. John - clergy. Ringo - mourner. George - grave digger. Paul - dead. To add onto that, Paul is the only one out of step- the other three have their left leg forward while he has his right forward. Coincidence? Another part, one that I don't believe as much, is playing music backwards. Some people definitely hide things in their music, but the Beatles, I don't know. I mean we have some "proof" of Led Zeppelin with that, but then again there're rumors that he sold his soul to the devil.. soooo....
2. Denver Airport is the portal to hell?
I've only flow into the Denver Airport once, and I do have to agree that it is one of the most confusing things ever. That was because it was 6pm at night, I was tired, it was cold, I had three bags with me, and I was afraid of getting robbed, all while I was trying to get an Uber to my hotel. But there were a few things that I did notice during my hastened rush through the airport. The airport is confusing as anything, there is a statue of a crazy blue horse with a glowing red eye, their "artwork" is "disturbing" and in doing some research, they had a statue of Anubis guarding the front area of the airport. Anubis! Anubis! The god of death! That's exactly who I want to see as I am accelerating very quickly in a metal vacuum of a tube. When I got my Uber, I asked my driver about the horse and why it was so creepy, and he said something along the lines of "oh ugh" and then asked me about my flight.
3. JonBenet Ramsey.
The day after Christmas in 1996, Patsy and John Ramsey realized that their daughter was no where to be found. In a panic, they called 911 and explained the dilemma, unfortunately it was too late, and young JonBenet was found dead on the stairs going down to the basement. With her was a ransom note, asking a little over a thousand dollars for JonBenet back. The stationary the note had been written on was a piece of Patsy's paper, and some think that Patsy's handwriting matches the handwriting on the note. This has been inconclusive, but is very suspicious. Since this has happened, many people have been accused of being the killer, but they all lead to dead ends or cold cases. The crime scene had been contaminated, so it was confusing to figure out what fingerprints came from whom. This case had just been reopened in the last fear years and police are going over the photos and autopsy reports. More information on this case here: http://www.cnn.com/2016/12/13/us/jonbenet-ramsey-case/
4. Kurt Cobain's death.
One of the most famous singers of the 90's, was found dead in his Seattle apartment on April 5, 1994. As details of the singer's death was released, the general public soon learned that he was found with a gun in his hand and a suicide note in the room. The media and police quickly said that this was a suicide, but Courtney Love's (the girlfriend of Cobain) private investigator, Tom Grant, thought that there was something more to this case. His website cobaincase.com shows a different side of that day, saying that his wife was facing a divorce from him and that was her motive. Grant also claims that there was a very high dose of heroin found in Cobain, and questions if Cobain could have physically been able to shoot himself after such a high overdose. New information and photos taken of the crime scenes have just been developed and can be found with only a few simple Google searches.
I hope that you guys enjoyed this brief introduction on four very interesting conspiracy cases and I hope to do more of these in the future! Comment below your favorite conspiracy theory!