I will be forever grateful to my friends that convinced me to join marching band my sophomore year of high school. It was not a decision made easily, but I wouldn't change my experience for the world. Being in marching band taught me many valuable lessons that are still applicable to me even today.
1. Commitment
Our marching band would not have succeeded if each and every person did not commit to being a part of the group. The entire show was dependent upon each and every member being in the right places at the right time, and playing their part exactly how they were supposed to. Commitment meant being at every practice, Monday through Friday and sometimes Saturdays, as well as most of the summer because that is what it took to make the show happen. It was learning the music and memorizing all the counts, steps, and movements to make the band a cohesive group.
2. Teamwork
Each and every person was of equal importance in marching band. It was necessary to make the show happen that everyone works together. If even one or two people do not do what they are supposed to, it could mess everything up. We learned the value or working together, of making the music happen as a team because it would not happen otherwise. There were times in practice when this fell apart, but we always tried over and over again to make the show happen the way it should. Each set is dependent upon the marchers moving together to transition without glitches.
3. Leadership
Whether you were a drum major, a section leader, or an upperclassman in general, there was always moments when leadership is necessary. As an upperclassman, it was important to help the new members learn all they needed to know in order to succeed in marching band; It was important to show them how to march correctly, follow the tempo given, learn sets, and so much more. When I began marching band, I was so grateful for the section leaders who always made sure we knew what to do, that we learned what we needed to and gave help when we needed it. I also learned the value of following the leadership of others. The drum majors were the ones to look to, they gave the start of movements, the tempo, the time signature; without them, the band would crash and burn.
4. Perseverance
Being in a competitive marching band, we traveled to competitions across the state and out of state as well. It was always our goal to win, but oftentimes, there was a band that did just a little better than us. But what made us better was our determination to not give up. Even after a Saturday competition that did not go as expected, we were always back out on the field Monday after school ready to learn from our mistakes and improve. This perseverance, this drive is what led us to get better and better and I carried this over to my personal life as well with great results.
I am truly thankful for the lessons marching band taught me, as well as the family it gave me. I made friends over those three years that I will hold onto for a lifetime. Although I may not be marching on the football field anymore, I will always remember the lessons I learned and the joy that playing music gave me.