YouTube has revolutionized film. It has allowed people who have one camera, a computer and access to Internet the ability to speak directly with a world-wide audience. As an Asian-American, I have found more connection with people in my community through YouTube because #Hollywoodsowhite. These are my picks for awesome and unique female Asian YouTube voices.
1. Natalie Tran, communitychannel
Tran has been making online videos for, according to her, "far far too long". Everyday Awkwards and Character Videos are some of her most active playlists. She's done everything from quirky short sketches contemplating the dailies of life to imitating insects. Tran is based in Australia and can often be found sharing self-deprecating humor on her channel and on Twitter.
You can follow Tran on Twitter using @natalietran.
Above is Tran at her Ted Talk, Asians in Media, at Brown University in 2015. This was actually her first video I watched. Click on the picture to watch the whole talk.
2. Arden Cho, ardenbcho
I first heard about Cho five years ago through her collaboration with fellow Asian YouTubers nigahiga and WongFu Productions in their short film Agents of Secret Stuff. Since then, Cho has started singing covers and writing original music. She is also bilingual and sings in English and Korean. She's been featured in Pretty Little Liars and played Kira Yukimura on Teen Wolf. Overall, Cho has awesome lifestyle videos that focus on fashion, her adorable dog Chewy, and her traveling work routine.
Linked above is Cho's original Baby It's You Official Music Video.
You can follow Cho on Twitter using @arden_cho.
3. Anna Akana, Anna Akana
If you're familiar with other Asian YouTubers, you've probably seen Akana before. She's known for her short monologue comedy sketches, collaborations and short films. Akana can be found either looking for a relationship or documenting the art of being single.
Above is a video that blends both of the aforementioned themes— determined to be single but bumping into cute, awesome guys, eg. Daniel Radcliffe.
You can follow Akana on Twitter using @AnnaAkana.
4. Lily Singh, IISuperwomanII
Singh is one of the most successful Asian YouTubers. If you haven't heard of her, go check her out after reading this post. Singh founded her channel in 2010 and is best known for her monologues and parenting sketches. As an avid Selena Gomez fan possessing an exuberant and boisterous personality, she'll be sure to make you laugh and say, "OMG that was totally my childhood".
PS: If you're into lipstick, check out her new lipstick BAWSE produced in collaboration with Smashbox.
You can follow Singh on Twitter using @iisuperwomanii.
This list isn't complete, so feel free to comment or tweet me, @echang_mantra, any of your favorite Asian female YouTubers. I'd love to hear from you!