It is almost here, the moment we've been waiting for. And when I say "it", I am referring to the upcoming Spring semester, of course. Whether you are excited (like me!) to get back into the lecture halls and continue advancing towards your degree, or you are wishing you had another month-long break to mentally prepare for what's to come: it's on it's way. But have no fear, I have compiled some of my favorite organization tips to survive (and land a stellar GPA) any semester.
Okay, this might seem like an obvious tip for achieving organization but I'm not recommending any old planner, I am recommending a Lilly Pulitzer planner, to be specific. They can be purchased here. Not only are they pretty to look at, the bright patterns and sweet quotes are super up-lifting. All Lilly planners also include fun little stickers, a notes section, and even a section to plan any upcoming vacations (Spring Break!)
Along with keeping a planner for your school work, I also recommend using the planner to organize every aspect of your life. Anything from work schedules to date nights with your significant other can be jotted down so you don't have to remember every waking detail of your life constantly.
Another planner tip, which is something I have done since the beginning of my college career, is writing powerful and inspirational quotes on the top of each week's page to start your week off on a good note. I also like to write a countdown on every week's page to remind me just how much longer I have until the semester is over.
Okay, I know your phone is next to you at this very moment. Why not use your cell phone for something productive in between news feed-scrolls? There are plenty of apps that exist to make student's lives easier such as ITunes University, which contains videos from top universities of lectures on a whole gamete of topics. I also recommend downloading Google Docs & Google Drive Apps so you can edit, send, and work on papers or assignments right from your cell phone. Most schools now also have their own app where you can just check your grades right on your cell phone which is so convenient.
Meal Planning
One way to keep organized is not wasting time waiting in lines at your cafeteria, or not just grabbing a granola bar and thinking that will keep you full for the day. In order to keep up with a busy college semester, you need fulfilling food that will keep you focused during those long classes. Planning out what you will eat the next day the night before can save a ton of time in the mornings. When possible, it's also a good idea to actually make the following day's food & snacks the evening before to ensure you will stay on track with eating right.
Waking Up 10 Minutes Earlier
I know it's nobody's favorite thing to wake up early but trust me on this one, it can really help. Just simply setting your alarm for that extra ten minutes will mean that you do not have to jump right out of bed and start racing towards the shower. Waking up a bit earlier means you can slowly get out of bed, check your phone without rushing, and have a more relaxing start to your already busy day. While it may sound crazy to voluntarily wake up early, it can actually start your day on the right note and leave you feeling prepared for what's to come rather than frantically sniffing your laundry to see if it's clean or not ten minutes before your 8 a.m. class.