When people think about college they typically think about football, studying or partying. All of those things are great, but there is more that you can experience in college. College is the time that you should be creating memories that you will be sharing for a lifetime. You are young and have nothing to lose! Go on adventures and be courageous. One day you might not be able to have these experiences again.
1. Join a club.
Get involved in a group! Either a sorority, religious club or any type of club. Surround yourself with people you want to be with and have common interests. Joining a club is also a great way to meet friends.
2. Study abroad.
I have heard alumni say that they regret not going on a study abroad trip while in college. Let me tell you that you should go on one! Go travel the world. I studied in Italy for a month and it was the best decision I have ever made. To be in a new culture, surrounded by new people and experiences was magical. Go on a study abroad trip! You won't regret it.
3. Go on a road trip.
I often hear about people’s weekends that they went out-of-town either to another part of the state or even out-of-state. Sometimes being in the same place for a while can get boring. There are tons of places in your state to see! So make an awesome playlist, go drive around, enjoy the time with your friends and take in the new scenery.
4. Go to a concert with your friends.
What would be more fun than going to a concert and seeing you and your friend’s favorite artists? Go see the artist that you all sing (or scream) along to in the car or while getting ready to go out. Get some cheap tickets and go have some fun! Or if you are like my friends and I, then you are patiently waiting for One Direction to come back and see them live. What, like 15 more months until there hiatus is over? I hope so.