College is going to be the best years of your life, but also the worst. The transition to college can be very rough, and after your freshman year, you may think, "Hey this isn't so bad." Wait until you figure out your major and begin the higher level classes. It is not easy at all and it gets worse each year. You have to read way more than you did in high school and you have a lot less written homework, besides papers that you have to write. Studying is also a lot different; you can't just get by memorizing facts, but you have to learn and keep the material in your brain. That is why high school sucks at preparing you for college; it teaches you how to memorize something for a test and then forget about it after the test. In college, you have to learn the material because the next sections of your class will lead off from what you just learned. Here is just a few tips you may want to remember when you are starting college, or already in college and struggling like some of us.
Your homework for college is mostly reading the text book of the class and taking notes. In college, your homework time is really just you teaching yourself the material. Take notes on everything and write questions as you go along because when you get to class is when you just get a summary of what you read and you can ask questions. Although the class is mainly a summary of your reading, the reading is so important and just because your professor never mentions a certain name, story, or date doesn't mean it won't be on the test.
After you read for homework, you still aren't done with those sections. You have to reread and pick out the main ideas and continue to study them until it is embedded in your head. You don't have to know every single thing the book says, but if you know main points and a few supporting details, you will be in great shape. Studying is so important in college. You may only have the class for 50 min 3 times a week or 1 hour and 15 min 2 times a week, but you have to study about 3 to 4 times as much as you sit in class. If you take the time to study, it will all be well worth it.
3. EAT
Yes I said eat. Eating gives you energy and energy keeps you going. In college, with all of the free time that you have it is so easy to just lay down and take a nap. Eating breakfast is so important. I am very guilty of skipping breakfast to get an extra hour of sleep before class. You need breakfast though because it will be the kick-start to your day and wake you up. If you go to class right after you wake up, then your brain will not remember or function the way it is supposed to. Eat lunch too, so that your afternoon classes don't put you to sleep. You don't have to eat a lot, but eating and nutrients and energy are so important to keeping you going during the day. Without energy, class is worthless.
College is so fun on the weekends, but you have to get in bed before 3 AM or you will be worthless the next day. It is so helpful to have so much time on the weekends to catch up in classes and be ready to take on the next week, but if you're staying out late every weekend, then you waste the day sleeping just to go out again the next night. Be smart, and choose wisely where to invest your time and energy. Sleep is important for one, your body gets to rest and two, your brain gets rest. I understand going out with your friends to get away from school for a while, but there are better ways to spend your time.