So how many siblings do you have, Erin? If only I had a dollar for every time that I got asked that question throughout my life. People have always been so surprised when I tell them that I'm one of five children. Growing up, I never really thought five children was that many, because my great grandmother was the oldest of 16, so I was always caught off guard with the shock on people's faces when I answered this question. All throughout my life, I've had four very best friends and I wouldn't change them for the world. Here is 26 thank yous to four of my favorite people.
1. Thank you for always making me laugh. Even if your joke wasn't really that funny.
2. Thank you for teaching me how to be quick to forgive.
3. Thank you for teaching me how to share my clothes, food, well basically everything.
4. Thank you for being there when it seemed like nobody else was.
5. Thank you for always being my "go to" person when I had nobody else to go shopping with.
6. Thank you for teaching me how to stand up for myself in an argument, because you know we've had too many of those.
7. Thank you for all of the times that you all made me cry, I wouldn't be as strong of a person without you doing that.
8. Nate, thank you for coming all of the way to Fort Wayne to get my broken down car back in April.
9. Thank you for always supporting me in all that I do.
10. Brooke, thank you for all of the proms and homecomings that you did my hair and makeup for, you're so talented at that kind of stuff.
11. Thank you for understanding me when I get upset about the little things. I can now let the little things go and move on with life.
12. Natalie, thank you for the countless years that we did calves through 4H together. I wish that we could show just one more time together. I love you baby girl.
13. Thank you to my sisters for teaching me how to hide my makeup well enough so they can't find it to use.
14. Monica, thank you for always trying to keep our room clean even when I'm at college, oh, and always sleeping in my bed while I'm at school too. This is a photo of her after her play "The Crucible" she killed her role as Abigail Williams. Love you Munchie!
15. Thank you for allowing my to tag along with you when you run your errands, because who likes to sit home and do nothing on the weekends?
16. Thank you for putting up with my awful singing while I'm out and about the house.
17. Thank you for coming to all of my banquets throughout middle school and high school. I hated going to those too, but it's free food for you. (:
18. Thank you to my sisters for always allowing me to borrow your shoes and clothes. It's nice having 4 times the clothes and shoes.
19. Thank you for always making messes right after I swept the floor and put the dishes away. I'll be able to handle my children's messes better one day.
20. Thank you for teaching me how to be patient in basically any situation. I now know how to wait over an hour for someone to get ready and not even care.
21. Thank you for being that one person to be guaranteed to "like" my Instagram pictures or "like" one of my tweets because I tell you to, because who else would?
22. Thank you for all of the random tags on Facebook posts that deal with anything related to us siblings.
23. Thank you for making me a very proud sister to all four of you. You all have accomplished so much in life, I couldn't be more proud to call you guys my siblings.
24. Thank you for all of the birthday presents over the years. I meant so much.
25. Thank you for helping me through all of the times that I was grounded. It was nice having you guys there at home when I wasn't allowed to leave home.
26. Lastly, thank you for being my bestest of friends growing up, and for all of the memories that we've had together over the years. Here's to many more to come.
These two get the most credit for making me who I am today. Without them, I wouldn't be part of such a supportive and loving family. These two have truly showed me how to work hard towards what I want, and to never forget about God's love and His plan for me.
I wouldn't change my family for anything. They're six of the biggest blessings in my life. God has truly blessed me with each of them.