Emerald City Coffee
Located right next to the Sheridan Red Line, this coffee shop was a go-to for a good place to work. Filled with flyers promoting local shows and businesses, and delicious baked goods, it's worth checking out if one is able to socially distance.
Peace Garden
Located on the lakeshore path on Buena ave, this garden is the perfect place to photograph, meditate, or read. An additional bonus is the fact that there's a Little Free Library box right on Buena and inner lake shore, only a block away from the park.
Montrose Harbor
Just north of the peace garden is the harbor which is full of boats, socially distant benches, and birdhouses as it is right next to the bird sanctuary. This harbor has an amazing view of the skyline and is a perfect place to hang out on a summer day.
Montrose beach
Even though beaches are closed this summer, this spot was a huge go-to on a nice weathered day. Bonus: bring a speaker and snacks for a good time.