The new semester is now upon us, and likely already back in full swing. As such, we must reacquaint ourselves with our tried-and-true study stomping grounds. If you're anything like me, studying at home is a small impossibility, and on campus options yield high quality studying. Here are some of my personal favorite places to study or do homework on campus.
1. The Library
This is a no-brainer, so I'll just knock this one out first. If you're seeking the real-deal feel of an institution, try Thomas Cooper Library on for size. I promise, it won't disappoint. Study rooms are always an amazing option, as they provide privacy and they are also equipped with dry-erase boards for those who are visual learners. Plus, you can bring company -- as long as they won't distract you. However, these precious study commodities do tend to book quickly. In such cases, I recommend tables or silent study carrels (study closets, as I like to call them). The carrels with doors are a little better than the divided tables, because they eliminate outside distractions and allow you to completely focus on your work. Tables are also good because you can spread out, which helps if you're tackling work for more than one class.
2. The Third Floor Patio Of Gambrell
You're probably only familiar with this area if you spend a lot of time on the humanities side of campus (i.e. the Capstone side of Pickens St.
3. The Horseshoe
Personally, I've never done this -- because I am far too easily distracted -- but I know people for whom this works quite well. Hitting the books suddenly gets a lot more attractive if you can do it while lounging in the grass on a blanket. What better way to prepare for an exam or write a paper than in the very heart of our beautiful campus? Bonus points if you pet a dog.
4. Cool Beans
If caffeine is on your study checklist, then this study spot is for you. They have tables you can sit at, as well as other, more cozy furniture. Not to mention they have awesome drinks, coffee or otherwise. I'm a fan of their smoothies. I'm an even bigger fan of their cool atmosphere that's quiet and pleasant for studying.
Sending you wishes for a productive and successful semester!