It was Tuesday, my long day, and I wasn't feeling too hot. My head ached and my friend kept asking if I was going to make it through the lecture. The next class came around and I felt even worse. I felt exhausted and I hated that I had one more class after that one. At that moment, the thought of lying in my bed never felt so tempting. But I decided to stick it out.
I attended my next class, and my final class of the day, which was my chorus class. After about 15-20 minutes of warm-ups, I realized that my head ache had vanished, and even my stomach ache was no longer present. Singing had completely cured me. That's why I wanted to do another article about music, this one more about the benefits of singing, instead.
#1 Anyone Can Sing!
When I talk about chorus with some of my friends who don't sing, they always say “I can't sing for my life”. But that isn't at all true. ANYONE can sing. It's just that not everyone can sing well, which is quite alright. You don't have to be a trained singer to consider yourself a singer. If you like music, let your voice be heard, and don't feel ashamed if none of your notes are correct, because no one cares… Unless you’re in a graded chorus class and ensemble… That's probably when stuff like that counts.
#2 You Can Sing Anywhere You Want!
Outside of a chorus or singing solo, there are many other places you can sing. There's the shower, which may get on the nerves of your family members, but that's okay! There's singing in the car, which may cause you to receive weird looks from the people on the highway, but both you and they know they've done the exact same thing. You can also try singing karaoke, and no one can judge you, because everyone knows that karaoke singing isn't supposed to be good. If you attend a church, you can try singing in their choir. And finally, if you don't particularly like singing in public, make a singing video! There are so many different outlets for you to sing in!
#3 Singing Makes You Happy!
From personal experience, I know that singing makes people happy. Music is probably one of my favorite things. But, there is a sciency explanation for this. When one sings, the body releases endorphins, the "happy chemicals", that one experiences when exercising or eating chocolate. Singing also helps relieve stress and anxiety, which is great for everyone.
#4 Singing Gives You An Outlet
I mentioned in a previous article how my chorus at school was pretty much my family. In all of the groups I've been in so far, I've met so many incredible people. In high school, I met my chorus squad, "The Fab Four" with Ben, Robbie, and Xavier, who ended up becoming my brothers. And in college chorus, I've already met so many awesome and encouraging people. Singing in choruses, or maybe even being a regular at karaoke night will introduce you to so many great people.
There are so many awesome aspects about singing, but I narrowed it down to four for this article. Just remember that you CAN sing, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise!