It’s time to break out the pore scrubs, peel off masks, serums, and toners. We’re diving into your face routine; got any moisturizer?
1. Clearer skin
When you start to understand your skin in terms of dry, oily, combination, or normal skin, it’s easier to find products that tackle your problem areas. So while plenty of products are fun to use, make sure you incorporate those that actually work to get rid of and prevent blemishes.
2. Calmer skin
If we have a bad breakout, we layer and layer on the foundation and concealer in a desperate attempt to hide the blemish. This clogs pores and delays the healing process, but a daily face routine with multiple steps will erase blemishes and prevent new ones like magic.
3. Feel happier
I personally love doing my makeup and don’t mind spending anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes on just a daily look. But with a clearer face, I have the confidence go outside wearing nothing at all and feel just as sexy, if not more!
4. Fun!
Make a spa day with paper, clay, or peel off masks-- or even DIY versions! Whether they are spent by yourself with a nice cup of tea, a bath, and a good ol’ rom com, or surrounded by your closest friends laughing a soaking up the goodness into your pores, a spa day is always welcome.