Move-in day is almost here, and there's lots of excitement surrounding it. First of all, you're away from home for the first time and have all the freedom in the world. Second, you either get to room with some of your best friends from high school or a person that you've never seen before in your life. And that's when random roommates come in.
However, as you get to know your roommate over the school year, sometimes they are more than a blessing than a burden. Here are four awesome reasons why having a random roommate rocks.
1. You get to have at least one class together.
Depending on your major or the type of dorm you live in (My roommate is also a mass communications major and we lived in a residential hall with other mass comm students), there's a high possibility of you and your roommate having at least one class together. It's never been easier to have a study buddy when you two live in the same room together.
2. You might have some of the same similarities.
I highly recommend adding your roommate on Facebook and chatting with them before school starts. Ask about their likes and dislikes and what interests them. They might like some of the things that you like, and that's awesome. And if they dislike the things you like, that's okay too.
3. You discover that your roommate is actually an awesome person.
You learn more and more about a person every day, and a random roommate is no exception. I learned that my roommate has one of the coolest jobs ever. Because of her Sports Information job, she sits in a Tiger Stadium press box, meets celebrities such as Willie and Jase Robertson from "Duck Dynasty" and even travels across the country for conference tournaments. How cool is that? Okay, nine times out of ten your roommate won't work in Sports Information, but we all have been blessed with our own God-given skills and talents.
4. You may become good friends with your roommate and never ever forget them.
My roommate and I became a lot closer as the school year went by. We laughed a lot, disagreed about a few things, prayed a lot, talked about our future weddings, jammed out to Better than Ezra songs before our MC 2010 class and even found each other on a crowded French Quarter street during Mardi Gras. Now that we're not going to be in the same classes possibly ever again (She's concentrating on PR while I'm doing journalism), we still keep in touch. I no longer think of her as just a "random roommate" but a great blessing in my life.
You may not be as close to your random roommate like I was with mine. You don't have to be close to them at all. But don't judge a book by its cover, because you may be surprised by the character inside of it.