If you are anything like me, you are a shopaholic and don't like to wear the same thing twice. Or maybe, if you are also like me, you are a college student on a budget and cannot afford to go shopping weekly like you would like to. Or maybe you just have some items you would like to try and sell but don't know how to go about it. Well, I found an easy way to help me support my shopping problems and clean out my closet. This sounds like an advertisement but what I'm about to say is true.
There are multiple apps you can download on your phone and sell old stuff--clothes, makeup, phones cases, shoes, whatever. They're fairly simple, you upload pictures of the item, insert a description, put the item into its proper category, and then you let the app do the rest of the work. Once your sale has been made, you'll be notified and sent a shipping label. You print out the label, ship the item, and drop it off at the post office. It's also a great place to buy items at a cheap price. For a broke college student, these apps are perfect because not only can you sell stuff to make money, but you can buy name brand items at a discounted price.
Here are four legitimate apps you can use to do this with a small review of each one.
1. Mercari
This one is probably my personal favorite because I've had so much success and you receive all of the money you priced it at (some apps take a portion of your sale). You'll have the most success on this app selling items targeting women's fashion, such as makeup, clothing, purses, jewelry, etc. But I have sold an old iPhone dock on here and an old stuffed animal as well so feel free to try other stuff! You can upload anything you'd like and try to sell it. Most people are very nice and I feel this app has a less professional feel to it which I also like. I don't feel like I have to have someone model my clothing in order for it to sell. It has an online garage sale feel and I like that about the app.
If you do decide to check out the app, use the code PAYZYP when you sign up and you will receive $2 credit.
2. Poshmark
This app has a more professional feel than Mercari and is specifically for clothes, women's, men's and kid's.
I've had success with this app as well but they do take some of your funds when you sell something. Their policy is if the sale is under $15, they keep a flat rate of $2.95. If the item sells for more than $15, they take 20 percent of the purchase. So, that's kind of a buzzkill but the app does offer some bonuses to help sell. They have multiple events every day called "parties" and it highlights different items people have for sale that fits their party. For example, some parties include "plus size party", "best in makeup party", and "everything swim" party. When you have an item for sale that fits that party, just share it to the party and people will see it. I like this because it increases the views on your profile and your items and increases the likelihood of selling things.
If you decide to check out the app, use the code JGYEH when you sign up and you'll receive a free $5 credit.
3. Letgo
I just recently discovered this app and haven't had a chance to sell anything on it yet, but it has a lot more variety of things to buy and sell. It has more furniture and electronic than women's clothing like the first two. I do know someone who has bought from this app before and has a good experience.
4. Vinted
This is another app specifically for fashion and the first one I used. I haven't sold anything on it but I have bought something. I think the number of active users on this app is smaller than Mercari and Poshmark but that doesn't mean you won't have success, I check out the app from time to time and there is definitely a population of people looking to buy and sell! You'll have the best success with your items uploading on all three apps since more people are likely to see it.
Once you have made a sale on either of the four apps, you'll receive the money once the buyer receives their item. Then the money will be uploading to your account which you can then use it as credit to spend or either request a check or a direct deposit into your bank account. It's honestly easy money and I highly recommend it to anyone who has some stuff they want to get rid of!