Applying to College or a University is one thing high school seniors find time consuming and stressful even though it is worth it. Finding the right colleges to apply to often takes a small village. The applicant, the applicant's parents and the applicant's guidance counselor are all heavily involved in the process. I believe these people are essential to the application process because they will play an important part in the applicant's journey to a tertiary institution. Below are four common thoughts racing through every applicants mind.
1. I want to go away for college because I want to experience new things.
I was amongst those students who said this until I actually went away for college. It is true that you do experience new things but those same experiences can be experienced whilst one goes to school in the town or city they reside in but in a different setting. Making new friends from different parts of the world can be made anywhere. A student does not have to be away from home to make diverse. The fact that some students become happy when they are going away from school does not mean that they everyone would like it when they go away for school.
2. I am only applying to private Universities even though I am broke.
Applying to private Universities is definitely the right thing to do when applying to tertiary institutions. However, remember that they are not the only school available. It is true that private schools offer scholarships but it sometimes doesn't not cover all the expenses. I had a 4.0 GPA from high school and really involved in my community but I still had to pay huge sums of money because financially, I did not qualify for Higher Education Opportunity Programs(HEOP) in the private schools I wanted. In a nutshell, be open minded when applying to colleges and don't limit your options to only one source. Apply to SUNYs, CUNYs and private schools as much as possible and probably, go to the one that suits your style.
3. I'm afraid of being Home Sick
When going to college for the first time, you become so happy that you forget about the fact that you may miss the people you are leaving behind. Fortunately, there are activities on and off campus that the students can be involved with to deal with the issue of home sickness. There are several clubs on campus for students to join. It also serves as a means of making new friends and being comfortable on campus.
4. How will I pay tuition after you decide to go to a particular college?
After getting accepted to a school, the next thing is to think about the finance. There are several ways to go that helps students to go to their dream schools. You could accept the loans the school has for you or take private loans. Moreover, it would be better if the student takes the loan from the school because the discounts are lower than the private loans.