When I became the newest addition to my family in March of 1995, it did not take very long before someone took that place because the next year in October of 1996, my little brother, Kevin, arrived on the scene. My brother did not leave the hospital right away after being born but when he was finally able to come home, the first thing I say (to our mom) was "bring him back" (which I still find hilarious to this day).
Now, I was a little over a year and a half so maybe I wasn't exactly ready to give up that throne of being the new baby on the block that garners everyone's attention. I was now a big brother who would eventually learn how annoying having a little sibling(s) can be no matter how much love in the world you have for them.
If you happen to have a younger sibling, I guarantee that you can relate to at least one of the things on this list. Heck, if you are a little sibling, you may be guilty of one or more things on this list. Without further ado, here are 4 annoying things that my little sibling did growing up:
1. Question Your Authority
Although the age gap between my younger brother and I is only 17 and a half months, there became a certain age when our mom would let us stay at home while she was out running errands and whatnot because she trusted that I was mature enough to be home alone and watch over my brother as well. Every time we were allowed to stay home by ourselves, our mom always made it clear to Kevin that I was in charge and that he needed to listen to me.
When I tell you that the second my mom would leave the house, it's like everything she said went with her instead of resonating with him. If I would ask him to do something or tell him not to do something it was always rebellion and questioning my authority over him simply because I was not an adult or his parent, despite our mom stating that I was in charge at home when it was just him and I.
Eventually, I started asking our mom to take Kevin with her when she went places because he did not like to listen only for him to throw a fit and claim how he would promise to listen which always ended up with me giving the benefit of the doubt and letting him stay home (only to regret it yet again as soon as our mom was gone).
2. Wanting To Do Everything You Do
As an older sibling growing up, there were things that you got to do that your little sibling couldn't. But that never stopped them from attempting to do what you do each and every time.
My brother was notorious for wanting to do almost everything I did. Whether it was getting to hang with friends at the mall or going on trips out of town to even intricate things like the way I dressed, my brother almost always wanted to do those same things and whenever he couldn't, it was followed up with "why not" to which our mom would always say, "If Ken jumps off a bridge, you gonna do it to?"
3. Stealing Your Stuff And Claiming It Belongs To Them
I cannot tell you how many times during my childhood & teen years that my brother would take things of mine without my knowledge and then claim that it was his once I finally found out it was missing. He would literally argue me down to a point where we would have to get validation from our mom that the said item belonged to me despite the fact that he and I both knew good and well that he took something that did not belong to him.
4. Wanting Everything You Have
Okay, so this one kind of goes hand-in hand with number three. When my brother wasn't sneakily taking my things without asking first, he was questioning and throwing fits when it came to me having certain things that he did not have.
It did not matter if it was a certain toy or my first cellphone or even the first car I owned, my brother was always salty when I had something that he did not even if it was something I got because I worked for it as opposed to it being given to me by our mom. During our younger years growing up, eventually my mom started buying almost everything in two's and then labeling them "Big K" and "Lil K" so not only would everyone be satisfied, but so my brother has no excuse to go taking my belongings.
For all of us older siblings out there, we all know how annoying they were at times during our younger years and even still on occasion. But one thing most of us will agree on is that no matter how annoying, we still love them dearly and want to see them make the best of themselves as we continually (and hopefully) set the good example for them.