*sees freshman girl and sighs* Oh GOD did I SERIOUSLY do that my first year.
Chances are the answer is yes, you sadly did. The transformation between your first year and junior year is insane. Those three years might as well be the difference between toddler you and pre-teen you. In three years, you don't mature only emotionally, academically and physically but you actually start to understand the world around you more.
Frat Parties
Freshman: Omg, dude...DUDE, I got invited to a Frat party!
Other Freshman: OMG same!
Junior: Did he seriously just invite me to his Frat party? I feel downgraded.
Going Out
Freshman: *comes back from Forever 21 with a complete new outfit* Does this match tonights theme?
Junior: I wanna wear a skirt, but jeans are so much cozier to fall asleep drunk in.
Relationships with Professors
Freshman: *In 500 person lector hall* I don't know, I'd feel weird going to their office hours. They have no idea who I am.
Junior: Hold up, let me text my professor.
Freshman: Come on, be 21, be 21....SCORE
Junior: I accidentally ended up in a dorm room last weekend.
Campus Feel
Freshman:*Finds friend, runs up and hugs them* Hello stranger in this big world.
Junior: Why is this campus too small? I just want to get from class without running into everyone I know while looking like sh*t
Dressing Up For Classes
Freshman: *hits the sidewalk like its the runway. Started getting ready at 7 am for their 9 am class*
Junior: *alarm goes off at 8:30am, rolls out and bed and throws on sweats to go to 9 am*
Friday Night
*Pre-game starts at 8pm*
* 10 pm ...snoring*
Our Relationship With Alchole
Freshman: Dude, I still have some Four Loko left over from last weekend! We are totally set for this weekend.
Now: So, I have tequila, rum, white whine, rose....pick your poison.