Disclaimer: I'm not any type of expert, and by no means assume that this article will change the world.
But what I do know is that from my experiences, I have seen and been in relation with many who are lost and broken. While trying to figure how I myself can play a role in changing those people's lives, I have come to the conclusion that I cannot help anyone on my own. It is through the Holy Spirit and the help of God that I can help others. What I am suggesting is reaching out to those who are broken sinners and sharing the good news, the gospel, with them. In Galatians 6:1-2 it says,
"..if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." (NKJV)
These three central concepts, in my opinion, can change someone. By creating a space in which one is welcomed and encouraged to fight for God could help make the broken and the lost understand that there is a way out. If all people were welcomed and talked to in this way, I truly believe there would be a noticeable change in the world. To spark a movement for Jesus, to make people realize their true potential and to help them live out what God has planned for them, could essentially lead to finally understanding what God's master plan is for His people. It is our responsibility as people, and as Christians, to expand the kingdom while helping those who are broken come to faith.
1. Belong.
By creating a space in which people sense that they feel welcomed is huge! People search for comfort in all relationships, especially if you are first getting to know them. In Galatians 6:1-2, the verse referenced above, it stresses that a believer who is devastated by sin, in this case, would be those who are broken/lost, needs to be approached with gentleness by fellow believers. This is especially important when talking to those who are non-believers.
2. Belief.
Once there is a space for belonging, the opportunity for sharing beliefs will be present. If someone can see the gospel through the way you are acting; with unmerited love, grace, and genuine care, that opportunity for them to also believe will grow. Getting to know someone, where they come from and their spiritual backgrounds, for example, is a great way to share the gospel. Once someone understands repentance, salvation, redemption and grace, they can then be hungry for more belief.
In Ephesians 2:8 it says,
" For by grace, you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God." (NKJV)
God alone saves, heals, and restores people. Presenting the gospel to someone, if you feel is necessary, can ultimately change someone's lives. If someone is hearing about the grace and goodness of God for the first time, it is not likely that they will believe it right off the bat. However, leaving them with scripture and fact could spark a hunger for that belief.
3. Behavior.
Once you have moved past the point of creating a comfortable, belonging, sense for someone, have shared what you believe in with them, it is then appropriate to assess behavior and actions. To automatically tell someone that they are wicked hearted may come off as too assertive. In this case, however, we have been pouring into someone and investing in them by creating an environment that will help them understand what it means to be sinful due to human nature. It is also important that we share that by the grace of God, we are accepted with all of our baggage behind us. We can then focus on what it looks like to work on behaving in a way that is glorifying to God. Sharing this with someone can truly change who they are, and help them understand how they can fix themselves.