Longwood is known for its rich education program. If you're an education major, you know this to be true. Our major is constantly stressful and overwhelming, but we wouldn't change it for the world.
Here are some things Longwood education majors say on a daily basis...
1. I have to go home to write my 10 page Lesson Plan.
2. OPS is killing me.
3. I am spending my night in the library again...
4. ...If anyone wants to join me.
5. I NEED new teacher pens ASAP!
6. My practicum students are so precious.
7. I am so stressed out.
8. Have you done the RR's?
9. What about the MAA's?
10. Do you think we will have a quiz in class?
11. What topic is your mini-lesson on?
12. So let me tell you about this kid in my class...
13. Wait, how do you give this literacy assessment?
14. Partnership will be the death of me.
15. I'm stressed again.
16. I have no time.
17. I can't wait to teach my lesson!
18. I need more teacher clothes.
19. When is graduation?
20. I am so ready to have my own classroom.
21. More coffee, please...
22. .. Can you add a couple of shots to that, please?
23. Come over so I can practice teaching my lesson.
24. No, I'm not buying magnetic letters just to play with on my refrigerator...
25. ... They are for my lesson! Duh.
26. I'm dropping out.
27. Ooooh! School supplies sale!
28. I need everything.
29. Yes, I do need 6 packs of pencils, 3 packs of glue sticks, colored pencils, crayons, markers, liquid glue, and all 10 boxes of crayon bandaids.
30. What do you mean we have to complete a running record?
31. Screw SOL's.
32. B-L-U-E spells blue.
33. I have this color song stuck in my head.
34. How am I supposed to teach this?
35. I don't even understand it myself.
36. Why do I have to take so many tests?
37. How do you even study for these tests?
38. I am so ready for my own classroom.
39. Thank you, OPS for ruining my life.
No matter what, we will get through these upcoming semesters one day at a time.