While I'm still only a junior in college and I have a whole year left to go until I have to start thinking about all the crafty ways to decorate my graduation cap, I have a lot of friends who are indeed graduating this semester. And I will miss them terribly! So in light of all the graduations taking place across the country (or globe, for that matter), I figured I'd compose a list of inspirational, punny, and pretty caps for this graduation season! Not to mention, I'd like to use this as my own guide so that when it's my turn to receive my diploma at this time next year, I can look back at this catalogue of ideas for some ideas! So if you're a graduating student on the hunt for the perfect way to decorate your graduation cap, here are a few that I hope spark your interest!
Student LifeMay 01, 2017
38 Of The Best Decorated Graduation Caps That Are Causing Serious Graduation Envy
These customized caps deserve an A+