37 Thoughts We Have When Walking Across Shippensburg University | The Odyssey Online
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37 Thoughts We Have When Walking Across Shippensburg University

The only place where there are more squirrels than people.

37 Thoughts We Have When Walking Across Shippensburg University
Cube 3 Studio

Shippensburg University doesn't have a big campus, but it also doesn't have a small one either; it's mid-sized. While walking across campus to go to class, your car, friends place, etc., you have time to think about different things. You look at everything you pass, and if you have ever attended Shippensburg University, I'm sure you have said all of these to yourself at least once.

1. "Hey, look, a squirrel!"

2. "Why are there so many random sidewalks?"

3. "It's always windy."

4. *any time before noon* "Where is everyone?"

5. *when it's nice out* "So. Many. People.

6. "What's with the random trees?"

7. "Hey Another squirrel."

8. "I have never seen the albino squirrel everyone talks about."

9. "Why are there Amish people on campus?"

10. "Oh no. What are they trying to hand me? I don't want it."

11. "I don't feel like going to class."

12. "What class am I going to again?"

13. "I wonder if Reisner has anything good to eat today."

14. "Do I want to eat before class or after?"

15. "Is that girl wearing pants? I can't tell."

16. "I wish there were more flowers on campus."

17. "Everything is green, brick, or sidewalks."

18. "I think I have/had a class with that person."

19. "Do I say hi? Do I not say hi? What if I say hi and they don't remember me?"

20. "Ducks!"

21. "What are those sculptures in the quad and in front of Grove supposed to be?

22. "Ha. They got a ticket."

23. "Is this car going to stop? I can't tell."

24. "If they don't, free tuition for me! Please, hit me!"

25. "I think that's the 50th squirrel I've seen today."

26. "Why did I park so far away?"

27. "Does Starbucks/Dunkin have a line?"

28. "What are they doing in front of the CUB?"

29. "What are these balloons for? Is there an open house today?"

30. "If there is an open house, Reisner will have good food today."

31. "I wish people would stop driving on the sidewalks. I'm trying to walk here."

32. "Where did I park?"

33. "Why is there an elemetary school on campus?"

34. "Why are there kids running around the quad?"

35. "I still don't understand why they combined two buildings."

36. "I always forget Old Main exists."

37. "Do you think he/she remembers me from Tinder?"

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