Modern relationship goals seem to consist of 1. getting past the talking stage, 2. figuring out if they're being serious or not, and 3. getting to know through social media or texting instead of actually talking in person.
Throughout this process, some girls are willing to pull out all of the stops to hook a guy in.
At one point or another, I bet most girls have done at least one of these. "Gotta do what you gotta do..." am I right??
1. Memorize their schedule
2. Check their Snap location
3. Go through their tagged photos
4. Check the comments on their Instagram posts... and restrain yourself from commenting on another girl's comment
5. Check their Snap score to see if they're responding to others
6. Become friends on social media with other people they know/are friends with
7. Give other girls dirty looks as a sort of "he's mine so back off"
8. Show up at places you know he'll be at so that you "run in" to each other
9. Act like you don't see him at first to see if he notices you
10. Glance over to see who they're texting
11. Post Instagram pictures with captions about you being together... but not "together"
12. Talk about them on your social media
13. Post excessive amounts of Snap stories when you're together
14. Take his phone and post a story of yourself
15. Post FLAME selfies to remind him what could be his
16. Creep hella deep into some girl's Instagram that posted with him years ago
17. Watch his friends' Snap stories to see if they're together/who's there
18. Pause the Snap story to inspect every inch of it
19. Casually joke/mention that he has a crush on you
20. Befriend their mom on social media
21. And their siblings
22. Snap him a lot while he's in class
23. Hang out with him and his friends as much as possible
24. Go through his playlists to see what you can play to impress him when you're in the car together
"Hey, did you hear about __________'s new album??" Greaaaaaat conversation starter right there.
25. Rope him into doing something with you a week or two later so that you know he at least has to give you a shot until then
26. "Accidentally" leave your stuff at his place so that you have to see each other again.
27. Talk about how much food you can eat/are willing to eat compared to other girls
28. Talk about how you're not a picky eater
29. Act like you go to the gym all the time.
"My body is a temple." **Goes home after hanging out with him and eats a whole bag of chips**
30. Spend A TON of extra time making a cooler for his frat formal so that all of his friends compliment him on it and he is constantly reminded that YOU DID THAT FOR HIM.
31. When you already know the answer, so you wait for him to lie
"I told you so." Boy, bye.