If you go to college, no doubt you are aware of Fraternity Formal (and the crafting and painting of items designed to keep beverages cold that comes with it.) If you have never first hand experienced such a phenomenon, you might find yourself wondering what exactly goes through a girl's head as she's crafting her insulating masterpiece. Wonder no further.
1. Formal will be so fun. Painting this cooler will be worth it.
2. I’m super crafty; I can do this
3. Wow. Who knew there were so many different types of coolers?
4. How big should the cooler be?
5. Does brand matter?
6. It doesn’t matter. It’s what’s on the inside that counts.
7. Wow. Okay. There are different kinds of sand paper too.
8. I’ve never sanded anything before in my life.
9. Curse the crafty sorority girl that started this tradition.
10. Did I sand this enough?
11. Should I sand it more?
12. My arm hurts.
13. Yay it's prime time. What a pun. Gosh I’m funny.
14. One coat or two?
15. What even am I supposed to paint on this?
16. Thank you, God, for giving us Pinterest.
17. Dang, people really take this seriously.
18. That looks easy to paint.
19. I can totally free hand that.
20. I can’t free hand anything.
21. Okay this doesn’t look too bad.
22. I’m sad that I don’t get to keep this thing.
23. I’m definitely going to paint me one when I have the time.
24. Maybe I’ll paint one for my dad too.
25. I should start a business.
26. This has consumed my life.
27. Painting this cooler is kind of relaxing.
28. At least I’m not studying.
29. I’ve been painting for hours.
30. Look at all this progress.
31. Yay!! Almost done.
32. You can’t have too much sealer.
34. Thankful formal only comes around so often.
35. I am more proud of this cooler than I am my GPA.
36. If this cooler is damaged in any way at formal, I will undoubtedly cry.
Will formal be fun? Probably. Will painting the cooler for formal be fun?..yes and no.