Some of you may just be starting out your journey at Florida State and for some of you, it may be coming to an end in just a few short months. But whoever you may be, one thing we can all agree on is that Florida State University is by far the greatest school in the nation. Located in the infamous Tallanasty, Florida State will give you the best four years of your life, filled with timeless memories and lifelong friends.
For those of you just beginning your adventure, you will soon realize that deciding to spend the next four years at Florida State will be one of the greatest decisions you ever make. This school doesn't only provide you with a strong education and good party, but also with incredible people that will remain in your life forever. And a few words of advice from a fellow senior growing nostalgic about graduating, embrace every moment of these next few years because it goes by in the blink of an eye.
Tallahassee wouldn't be right without Florida State, just like graduating from FSU wouldn't be right without accomplishing a few things first. Before you walk across that stage and accept your diploma, here a few things you must do:
1. Go to happy hour at Clydes.
2. Drink one too many Taylor Mades.
3. Pee in the Gallie ally outside of Clydes.
4. Go to a game for every sport.
5. Tailgate too hard and miss a few games.
6. Devour a box of pokey sticks from Gumby's.
7. Order pokey sticks but fall asleep before they are delivered... and then cry when you wake up and realize what you did.
8. Get FSUPD to take you to Gumby's.
9. Get trashy at white trash.
11. Take a dip in Westcott fountain for your 21st.
12. Do the war chant at a bar.
13. Eat Vale and obvi post a picture about it.
14. Spend a day at the Reservation.
15. Go to Food Truck Thursdays at Lake Ella.
16. Take a day trip to Providence Canyons.
17. Go to Bulls.
18. Get a beer from Township.
19. Have sex in the stadium.
20. Go eat at Lunchbox.
21. Go to the Coliseum.
22. Rally after Happy Hour and go to Recess.
23. Go to your 8 a.m. drunk from the night before.
24. Go to Mandatory Makeout Mondays at Clyde's.
25. Dance on the poles at the Strip.
26. Go to Maclay Gardens and take a picture in front of the reflection pool.
27. Take way too many pictures in front of brick walls.
28. Go out in Nike shorts and a t-shirt with your best friends.
29. Celebrate Halloween for a whole week.
30. Do the green beer bar crawl for Saint Patty's day.
31. Buy a Florida State football jersey.
32. Suffer through freshman year in an old, moldy dorm.
33. Get shitty off Four Lokos.
34. Complete a Madison Social challenge and get a free shirt for it.
35. Get a mug from Kens.
36. Create so many unforgettable memories that make the thought of graduating bittersweet.
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