- When people tell you that swimming's not a hard sport.
- You will always, no matter how many special shampoos you buy, smell like chlorine.
- You identify as a Backstroker, Breastroker, Butterflier, Freestyler or an IMer.
- You’ve learned to wear your tan lines with as a badge of honor, because YOU EARNED THEM.
- People not understanding swim season is 365 days a year.
- Getting on a Fastskin is a 30 minute process of excruciating pain and acrobatics. Who needs Yoga when you have a Lazr.
- Not being able to breathe in your Fastskin.
- Counting is always easier in 25s, 50s and 100s.
- Being judged by your friends for how much food you eat after practice.
- Having no regrets about all the food you eat after practice.
- Forgetting what lap you're on halfway through a set because you start thinking about what your going to eat after practice.
- Singing to yourself during a set and then forgetting what lap your on.
- Test sets.
- "Oh you think he has a really great body? That’s nice- Do you know who Nathan Adrian is?"
- When the Olympics come around and everyone thinks they know everything about swimming.
- Having your goggles leak in the middle of race resulting in absolute panic.
- Saying your goggles are “leaking” in the middle of practice to get out of a set.
- Pulling on the lane lines without getting caught is an art form you have committed to perfecting.
- Your love/hate relationship with shaving (for both guys and girls).
- Seeing guys in Speedos is part of everyday life.
- Not being able to find dresses that fit because of your swimmer shoulders.
- Praying for a thunderstorm to get out of practice. It may have to strike the pool deck for Coach to let you out, but you’ve learned to accept that.
- “Leaving on the top!”
- Being a sprinter.
- Being a distance swimmer.
- That feeling when you flip-turn too far from the wall and you just flail in the water like a drowning cat.
- When the person behind you keeps touching your feet but won’t go ahead of you.
- Counting down the days until tapering begins.
- The joy of having your own lane.
- Learning to survive the Hunger Games, also known as meet Warm-Ups:
- The pain of hitting your hand on the lane-line.
- Seeing your teammates fully clothed is a strange and uncomfortable experience.
- Getting through dry-land workouts. Your body wasn't made for running. Or land for that matter.
- The frustration you feel when your teammate leaves early during the set.
- People don’t understand why you always say you “hate swimming”.
- Because you knows there's a deeper meaning to Dory’s “Just Keep Swimming!”