Sometimes college students can get extremely stressed for the smallest of things. Being in college is like being a child again because we always ask questions, but this time, we know they are never going to change or simply just don't make sense.
- Why is the food in Ondine never fully cooked?
- Why do both food courts close before 7pm for students who eat all throughout the night?
- Why does it never feel like a city?
- When are you going to ban vaping?
- Why put sky bridges on a campus full of stressed students?
- Does knowledge really serve the city?
- Why don’t we teach students how to recycle?
- How far is keeping Portland too weird?
- When will you build more efficient elevators?
- Why do people wait that long for an elevator, just to take it to the second floor?
- Why did the vegan cross the road?
- Why do we have a giant broken clock on campus? A broken clock is bad luck...
- How come I always miss the Saturday Market?
- Why aren’t there more people on bikes?
- And, why are there so many orange rental bikes never being used?
- Why is your food so dang expensive?
- When can I get hit by a car so my tuition will get paid for?
- Are you really canceling school for half a centimeter of snow?
- Will the construction in the middle of campus ever actually be done?
- Why do people pay for Domino's delivery if they can walk there faster than the employees can drive there?
- Why do the baristas on campus look like they hate their job?
- Why is there always only one white person in every inquiry class?
- Why does our inquiry classes consist of mainly busy work and why do those class�es feel so unnecessary?
- What are the “study” rooms really used for?
- Does anyone actually go to the library to study?
- Why do you lie about our required textbooks on your website?
- What's that smell by Cafe Yumm?
- What's the real reason why we can't read in the Jacuzzi?
- Is it really a smoke free campus?
- Is the greek life actually cool?
- Are there actually cool parties here?
- What makes you think a community bathtub is a sanitary idea?
- Why is parking for a month cost the same as tuition?
- Why is the streetcar free for students but the MAX isn't?
- Where do people get pet goats?
- Will there ever be a day that I don't get stopped and asked to sign a petition?
We all sit here and wonder if Portland State is the right college for us, but then remember how we wouldn't be who we are today without it and all of it's wonderful features.