1. How am I already a Junior?
2. What is makeup/getting dressed/looking "presentable"?
3. How many L's will I take?
4. Can I stay here forever?
5. How did I ever complain about having "too much to do" in high school?
6. Where are my friends? Do I still have friends?
7. Where do I sign up for my own parking spot like one with my name on it... is that a thing.. it should be a thing right?
8. Did I act like that when I was a freshman?
9. Do you think the librarian knows my name?
10. Why did it never seem this hard before?
11. Should I take a "victory lap?"
12. When will my face stop breaking out?
13. How do other people have time to do anything besides school work?
14. Is it too late to study abroad?
15. Why am I always in class/studying but never feel prepared?
16. Should I start applying to graduate schools now?
17. Is it worth it?
18. Can we fast forward to the part where I have a family and a dog and money and no debt and all that good stuff?
19. How much longer until I'm 21?
20. When can I go back to my bed?
21. How did I ever have time to go out before?
22. When will it get easier?
23. Am I the only person who feels this way?
24. What has happened to me?
25. Do I have any grey hairs?
26. The fun isn't over is it?
27. Responsibilities?
28. Am I prepared for the "real world?"
29. Why am I poor?
30. Why did I ever think it was a good idea to be a double major/minor?
31. Why am I so scared of this reality...?
32. How have I made it this far?
33. Are my parents proud?
34. Does it get easier?
35. Am I scared?